Fighting humminbirds

or some kind of mating ritual:dunno
I wish I could of got a cleaner shot of this.AF was picking up the foliage.It was happening quickly and I didnt have time to try manual focus.
It was cool to watch and I wanted to share.
The one on top kept bouncing on the one on bottom.:lol3
I wish I could of got a cleaner shot of this.AF was picking up the foliage.It was happening quickly and I didnt have time to try manual focus.
It was cool to watch and I wanted to share.
The one on top kept bouncing on the one on bottom.:lol3

I love that last sentence!
Plus it is interesting w all these things/animals/birds, how their colors camouflage right into the environment. I never thought that would be true of hummingbirds, but I couldn't see them: until I could.
Very interesting shot, John.
"Osprey Whisperer"
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Cincinnati Smug Leader
I see the one's in my area doing this all the time. They chase each other around and even have an occassional jousting duel by my feeder ( you can hear their beaks clicking against one another:uhoh ) Maybe it's some sort of territorial thang. Or possibly a Napoleon complex......
Good work and love the colors