Keyword appears on some of my photos - not my keyword!
The keyword "_favorite_" is associated with over 800 of my images. I have assigned no such keyword to anything. Is there something that triggers Smugmug to apply it?
1) how did you upload it - exactly which method and uploader?
2) where and how did you apply the other keywords that are there?
3) where and how did you apply the caption
2008_07_21_NC_Macromia margarita_Mountain River Cruiser - 12
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2) Most keywords come along with the uploads, i.e., I have added them in iPhoto. Occasionally, I add or delete keywords in SmugMug.
3) The caption you refer to was added in iPhoto. This brings up a question I submitted via email. I want to remove those underscores connecting the caption words, but I am unable to select a character within a string in the batch edit mode in SmugMug. I wonder if that will be an option in future?
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Let me try again.
Me, too. I searched every conceivable field (title, description, keyword, etc.) in iPhoto for _favorite_ and found it nowhere. If I had ever had favorite as a keyword in iPhoto or SmugMug, I would not have flanked it with underscores. And to prove a point to myself and anyone else interested, I uploaded a big batch of photos today, many of which now have _favorite_ associated with them as keywords! I can assure you beyond the shadow of a doubt they didn't upload with the photos, nor did I add them once here.
Some other bizarre things seem to be going on that I'm still sorting out. For instance, some of the keywords that come up with my images seem to be arbitrarily grouped, rather than comma-delimited, as of course I would prefer. There seems to be no rhyme, nor reason as to which are separated by commas and which are not.
I think there's more, but like I say, I'm still mucking about in there to see what I can see.
I think it's poltergeists.
Try to use one of the most respected program for metadata manipulation ExifTool see
to export all metada that your test image contains
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I've looked and don't see anything in the original files. I'm at a complete loss as to how _favorite_ gets added unless by the site owner.
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First, I just can't come up with any source for the "_favorite_" keyword try as I might. I've been known to do some pretty dumb things, but if this is one of them, I can't figure it out. Also, I am unable to batch delete this keyword, and in fact, batch edit of captions/keywords no longer seems to be working for me at all, though it has certainly done so in the past. After I make my selections and choices, nothing happens when I click preview.
Another keyword issue that I've mentioned before - when I upload an image with multiple keywords assigned in iPhoto, sometimes they are comma delimited in SmugMug, sometimes not. Thus, I may upload an image with keywords "odonata," "Thailand," "travel," and get all those keywords, or I may have single a SmugMug keyword "odonata Thailand travel."
And another. Sometimes I upload an image with a CAPTION that reads something like "Kids St. Louis 2005," and I may end up in SmugMug with KEYWORDS like "louis" and "2005" but not necessarily "kids" or "st." and I've not uploaded any keywords at all.
And more. Often I will upload images that have neither captions nor keywords. Then I often get a SmugMug-assigned keyword that is the file name of the image, i.e., something like "dscn2337." Not at all helpful!
FWIW I generally use MacDaddy to upload images in order to preserve the captions I've added in iPhoto, only dragging and dropping when I have no captions.
Curiouser and curiouser.
I don't know why you can't bulk edit. Are you definitely hitting "Save" after previewing? You also have to preview first, you can't just save. I've also had the problem you had where some strings of words are delimited and some not. I think that was only in the past though when keywording under-went some changes. Currently, I believe phrases (such as New York) delimited by commas in PhotoShop are remaining phrases on Smug and aren't getting automatic commas put in, which I like. The rest of the problems you mentioned... I'm hoping someone else will shed light on them.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
exiftool.exe investigated_image.jpg
Program lists all metadata in this image. There is also a graphical user interface see
As for batch edit, I can't figure out what's going on with that either. The problem with all this is that I can't find rules; so much of this seems random. I can say that, under no circumstances can I remove the dreaded "_favorite_" in batch edit. It simply isn't recognized when I enter it as the character string to remove. No matter if I as for "all" or "selected images." When I click preview, nothing happens; the word has not been removed. This is also now happening with some other keywords.
As if my headache had not developed into a full scale migraine, I just went to my one smart gallery, which has worked perfectly after I was told that I needed to save the smart rules again every time I uploaded new images that would meet the criterion for inclusion, only to find that all photos had vanished from the gallery.
I begin to sound like a complete idiot or someone with a "possessed" web site. At any rate, there seems to be some major instability on the part of the site or me.