My attempt at Mega #9

I had been thinking of a road shot, them the name popped in my head this morning. I have two versions. I don't normally vignette pictures, (not really a vignette, but more of a blur) but I thought it might help with that fuzzy feel that Deja Vu gives you. What do you think?
Been down that road before...
Been down that road before...
Thanks! I can do that. I'll work on in it tonight.
My SmugMug
I don't have PS. I use GIMP for things like that, but I there is still a lot for me to learn. I will see if I can figure it out.
My SmugMug
Perfect sense! Thanks for the input.
My SmugMug
I reduced the blur and took it back from the road.
I also reduced the saturation a little to tone down the green... good or bad?
I looked up the tilt shift effect and may play with that tomorrow.
My SmugMug
and I added another, lol.
Ok, that is it for tonight. I am getting carried away.
My SmugMug
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
My SmugMug