Cattle Penning
I joined the board a few months back but never really had the time to post anything... So now that things are starting to slow down a bit, I thought that I would post a few photos. This summer I started shooting "Cattle Penning" for a good friend/client of mine. What an amazing sport to photograph. C&C welcome!!
Broadleaf Cattle Penning 2 198-1.jpg
Broadleaf Cattle Penning 2 198-1.jpg
I love what I do, and I do what I love!
Can you tell us the concept behind the sport of penning? I see they all have numbers so do you draw a number and have to cull that out to a certain place? I'm curious about it.
There is a herd of cattle at one end of the pen, each wearing - as you saw - a number. There will be several #1s, #2s, #3s etc.
The penning team (3 people on horseback) stand behind 'the line' and, when the whistle blows, the announcer tells them which numbered cattle they are after.
The object of the game is to cull the cattle wearing that number from the herd, drive them to the other end of the pen and into a fenced enclosure within a specified time limit. The more cattle you cull and get into the enclosure (the goal is 3) the faster, the better your score.
It's great fun to watch. And, after a good rain, the mud will fly in all directions (i.e. protect your gear).
You should see the little kids' classes - they're hilarious!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Picadilly, NB, Canada
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery