#59 Signals--Advice or C&C Appreciated

I helped chaperone my daughter's marching band this weekend & took along my camera. The band director had asked me to take a few pictures of the band during the half-time show for the football program, but I thought I'd try to get Signals while I was there. :wink
Turns out there were a couple flaws with my grand idea, lol. First, my chaperoning duties took a LOT of time away from any picture-taking I wanted to do; and second, the football teams did NOT cooperate with me by spending any time by my end of the field. :dunno I was thinking that since the band is in the stands right at the goal line that SOMEBODY would score a touchdown right there by me and I could get a good TD signal from the ref. Alas, twas not to be. The only time it got close, our team fumbled on the 1 yard line just as they were moving in to score. Grrrrrrrr! <sigh>
Anyway, this is what I managed to get--not 'quite' what I wanted, but does it still work for Signals?
#1 This one was taken the play right before our fumble at the goal line. I hate that I cut off the ref's feet and that there are no football players in the shot.

2. I took this one from up in the press box right before half-time. I tried some different processing. Does it work? Would a different treatment work better?

3. The quality of this shot isn't very good at all, but this was the TD signal I was hoping for--I just wasn't in the right position to get the shot I wanted. Again, this is from the press box right before half-time. This one isn't an entry consideration--this one is here just to lament that they didn't do it by my end of the field!

Unfortunately, I don't have any opportunity for a re-shoot since this weekend is our off week and we have no football game. If neither of these work for signals, I'll have to get another idea if I get a chance.
Thanks in advance,
Turns out there were a couple flaws with my grand idea, lol. First, my chaperoning duties took a LOT of time away from any picture-taking I wanted to do; and second, the football teams did NOT cooperate with me by spending any time by my end of the field. :dunno I was thinking that since the band is in the stands right at the goal line that SOMEBODY would score a touchdown right there by me and I could get a good TD signal from the ref. Alas, twas not to be. The only time it got close, our team fumbled on the 1 yard line just as they were moving in to score. Grrrrrrrr! <sigh>
Anyway, this is what I managed to get--not 'quite' what I wanted, but does it still work for Signals?
#1 This one was taken the play right before our fumble at the goal line. I hate that I cut off the ref's feet and that there are no football players in the shot.

2. I took this one from up in the press box right before half-time. I tried some different processing. Does it work? Would a different treatment work better?

3. The quality of this shot isn't very good at all, but this was the TD signal I was hoping for--I just wasn't in the right position to get the shot I wanted. Again, this is from the press box right before half-time. This one isn't an entry consideration--this one is here just to lament that they didn't do it by my end of the field!

Unfortunately, I don't have any opportunity for a re-shoot since this weekend is our off week and we have no football game. If neither of these work for signals, I'll have to get another idea if I get a chance.
Thanks in advance,
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Here's the cropped version. Better or back to the drawing board?
Lauren Blackwell
Nice photo and nice take on the theme.
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
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Those are my thoughts.
(This doesn't have anything done to it yet except the cropping & cloning, btw.)
So, is it better to show some opposing players or go ahead & crop down as far as I can go?? I may end up totally ditching this idea, but I thought I'd as least try to get as far as I could with it.
except for the white jersey player who is walking towards his huddle--that keeps the story complete as it shows the recipient of the ref's signal.
Of course, this raises the question of what is too much manipulation--is removing two humans from an action shot equivalent to removing a telephone pole that is a distracting element in a landscape? Only you can answer that one.
Not sure if this is helpful at all, sorry. I do like the shot and think it fits the theme perfectly. I'd suggest just playing with it some more until you are happy with the look.
Good luck!
Lauren Blackwell