Adobe Camera Raw Issues

I figured I'd post here since this is very photoshop related.
When working with Canon CR2 files fom my 20D and opening them in photoshop via ACR I am having a few issues. I posted elsewhere about blocks, or a mild cross-hatching effect that seems to come when I do the conversion from raw via ACR. I have no idea why.
The one thing that still confuses me is that I am using CS2, upgraded to ACR 3.1, but when I look at the "calibrate" tab in ACR, my "camera profile" shows ACR 2.4, is that correct?
When working with Canon CR2 files fom my 20D and opening them in photoshop via ACR I am having a few issues. I posted elsewhere about blocks, or a mild cross-hatching effect that seems to come when I do the conversion from raw via ACR. I have no idea why.
The one thing that still confuses me is that I am using CS2, upgraded to ACR 3.1, but when I look at the "calibrate" tab in ACR, my "camera profile" shows ACR 2.4, is that correct?
I use a 1DmkII and it shows the same thing ACR 2.4 while using CS2.
I don't know what you are seeing, can you post an image for use to look at?
It is rather faint, and I actually did not notice it until I tested the 2xTC. Maybe it is my monitor, but I don't really see the same thing in the rest of the screen. Maybe I'm just crazy :crazy