Which wide angle
I'm looking to upgrade to an FX wide angle. I think my Sigma 10-20 is looking pretty bad, its too slow, and I'm wanting to have a full set of lenses for my D700.
Weight isn't a huge problem I guess, nor is the size.
My only concern is that the 24 end might be a slight be wider than I'd want the max to be.
I know there is a 16-35 but I'm a bit concerned. I've grown to love 2.8 and think the f4 won't be big enough for me. I know there is a big price difference but I feel that these lenses will be around for me for a long time. It might be better to spend the money now rather than get stuck with something i'm not super happy with for a long time.
There is also the 17-35 2.8.
Which would you get? Any other thoughts comments?
I'm not terribly interested in 3rd party brands. Tried Sigma, for example, and generally I am not impressed.
Weight isn't a huge problem I guess, nor is the size.
My only concern is that the 24 end might be a slight be wider than I'd want the max to be.
I know there is a 16-35 but I'm a bit concerned. I've grown to love 2.8 and think the f4 won't be big enough for me. I know there is a big price difference but I feel that these lenses will be around for me for a long time. It might be better to spend the money now rather than get stuck with something i'm not super happy with for a long time.
There is also the 17-35 2.8.
Which would you get? Any other thoughts comments?
I'm not terribly interested in 3rd party brands. Tried Sigma, for example, and generally I am not impressed.
I was thrilled. I rarely used this lens before this trip.
A fair number of Canon users pay a pretty penny to adapt it to their cameras too. (Shows you how good it is when people go out of their way to use a lens not made for their camera.)
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