23 hour Vote for DSS Mega #9 (Déjà vu) CLOSED

For reference on the challenge see here
The very first Mega round where YOU get to help judge. You have the ability to choose your top 10 choices by selecting them from the poll. Hurry there is only 23 hours to vote.
The top 10 highest voted photos will be compiled together with the results from Llywellyn, schmoo and sherstone. This will give the results we need to announce the winner!
Hurry you only have 23 hours to pick your top 10
Warning you will not be able to come back and add more choices after you click the voting button.
P.S. If your observant you will see that more than 10 can be chosen. Just remember if you vote for all of them its like you didn't vote :wink *Also you are able to see any photo in its large form by clicking on it.
The very first Mega round where YOU get to help judge. You have the ability to choose your top 10 choices by selecting them from the poll. Hurry there is only 23 hours to vote.
The top 10 highest voted photos will be compiled together with the results from Llywellyn, schmoo and sherstone. This will give the results we need to announce the winner!
Hurry you only have 23 hours to pick your top 10
Warning you will not be able to come back and add more choices after you click the voting button.
P.S. If your observant you will see that more than 10 can be chosen. Just remember if you vote for all of them its like you didn't vote :wink *Also you are able to see any photo in its large form by clicking on it.
Choose your Top 10 (you have multiple votes!) 334 votes
1. Kidzmom - That Eerie Feeling
37 votes
2. ghinson - You're Not Old If You Still Feel Deja Vu
16 votes
3. dnie - Been down that road before...
16 votes
4. sweetharmony - Maybe in a Past Life...
13 votes
5. JR303 - Deja Vu/Jogger's Savior
10 votes
6. nightpixels - Memories of the Sea
34 votes
7. ic4u - The Twilight Zone
10 votes
8. WhatSheSaw - Past is Prelude
21 votes
9. photo-bug - It was a sweet September day...
15 votes
10. kris10jo - This feels familiar...
27 votes
11. jwear - AH-- mating season
8 votes
12. ilbcnu - have we been down this road before?
24 votes
13. SeascapeS - Unexpected Rendezvous
14 votes
14. Tlvodra - "I think I'm going mad. I keep seeing a rabbit in a waistcoat."
10 votes
15. pyroPrints.com - Every time the Fall comes, I get the strangest feeling...
2 votes
16. tinamarie52 - Could I have left my inhibitions on the garden path before?
18 votes
17. JohnRog - Another face in the crowd?
12 votes
18. dls - contemplating the convergence of time and the cosmos
25 votes
19. The Curious Camel - Have I already been here?
16 votes
20. lkbart - A bluegrass moment, all over again
6 votes
Thats is correct, Yes
like the feeling
well done every body GREAT work
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
You have it right. Sean said "You have the ability to choose your top 10 choices by selecting them from the poll."
My SmugMug
That is correct. but even if someone only votes for one entry it still is a very valid vote that will count towards the final totals.
Speaking of totals - This Poll is now closed but I am still waiting for the results from one judge. So the final results will be delayed a bit longer, sorry folks.
My Photostream
Judges comments hopefully will be forthcoming. I probably will not have time to do mine until this weekend, but will announce when they are complete.
EDIT: My announcement that the comments are complete here
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