Need to assign sharegroup from Gallery Settings

littlerootlittleroot Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
edited September 21, 2010 in SmugMug Support
Hi, Is there a way to add a gallery to an existing sharegroup other than weeding through my very long list of galleries from the sharegroup option in the control panel?

I wish I could choose the sharegroup from the gallery settings page, and/or make this selection when I upload a new gallery.

Please, please help me figure this out.

Thank you!


  • littlerootlittleroot Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited September 21, 2010
    Here is how I am doing it now. If you know of a better way, please let me know!

    How to add the galleries you want to a sharegroup

    1. Create a category with all the galleries you want in a sharegroup

    2. Record the number of galleries in the category

    3. Make sure all galleries have a name with a unique keyword/string for the sharegroup

    4. Create new sharegroup

    5. Choose “edit galleries” for the sharegroup

    6. Use your web browsers “find” feature to locate galleries by keyword and select each of them one at a time

    7. Click Save when done

    8. Confirm the number of galleries in the sharegroup is correct

    9. Take a break because this will drive you crazy
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