WTB: Canon t2i
Looking to buy a canon t2i with the 18-55 kit lens.
Under $800.
post here, send me a message, or email me at optionboarder81@yahoo.com
I am serious about buying and can send payment asap.
Under $800.
post here, send me a message, or email me at optionboarder81@yahoo.com
I am serious about buying and can send payment asap.
And I looked on ebay for the printers and it doesn't seem like they are selling that fast.
If you buy the printer along with a qualifying camera then you will get back $400 if you follow the rebate instructions. It says "up to" on the form because that form is also used to give back $100 if you buy just the printer.
As far as selling the printer goes - there's no guarantee on that. But I'm sure if you price it low enough you'll get a buyer. The way I see it - it's a free printer that you can either use for its intended purpose or as a way to make back some cash.
Do you know if the rebate is a $400 store credit for bh or do you get a check in the mail?
still looking for a t2i
....and this guy has the lens for $85 http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/940953
I only charge a 40% finder's fee :-)