My comments for each of the images are now posted in the gallery
This rounds theme was admittedly very difficult and personal experiences about what the feeling of Déjà vu is and what it means, played very heavily into my final picks.
Thank you again to the other two judges Kerry and Steph! and of course everyone else for participating.
I wanted to disagree with you but well worded I knew my shot was a stretch and was very surprised I was not dead last ,thanks for taking the time for all the comments I think you did a lot better job with that than the dam theme
Thanks Sean, this one was very difficult and a lot of fun. Keep them coming, I am really enjoying it. Am actually considering starting a blog of "conceptual photography". So far, my stuff is only coming from these challenges, and if you notice, I try to start with a concept and find a way to make what I see in my head out of the photography. It's not easy. At all. But I think that in the end, it will make me better, and I also enjoy the change of pace.
Thanks for your input on the deja vu image. Helped a lot.
... Am actually considering starting a blog of "conceptual photography".
Don't just consider it. Do it! I find talking about the act of photography makes you more aware of everything and the next time you shoot it solidifies things in your head even further. I am very happy that a difficult theme was enjoyable.
I wanted to disagree with you but well worded
Thanks for your input on the deja vu image. Helped a lot.
Don't just consider it. Do it! I find talking about the act of photography makes you more aware of everything and the next time you shoot it solidifies things in your head even further. I am very happy that a difficult theme was enjoyable.