Newbie questions

I'm asking this for someone who wants to set up a site to sell their photos but is not going to have internet access for a few weeks. He wants to get a jump start on knowing what he will be doing with the site.
Question: What size image should be uploaded? If the prints can be ordered in 4x6, 5x7, or 8x10, these are different aspect ratios so one image isn't going to work for all three sizes. Or is it?
Question: Same as above, but for digital downloads. Is there a size specified?
Question: Most of his photos will be sold locally and some buyers will want a CD of multiple photos of the event they were in. I know SmugMug doesn't do CDs yet, but is there any problem with stating on his home page that he will hand deliver a CD for $ xx if the buyer contacts him by email? Any TOS aspect with that?
Thank you.
Question: What size image should be uploaded? If the prints can be ordered in 4x6, 5x7, or 8x10, these are different aspect ratios so one image isn't going to work for all three sizes. Or is it?
Question: Same as above, but for digital downloads. Is there a size specified?
Question: Most of his photos will be sold locally and some buyers will want a CD of multiple photos of the event they were in. I know SmugMug doesn't do CDs yet, but is there any problem with stating on his home page that he will hand deliver a CD for $ xx if the buyer contacts him by email? Any TOS aspect with that?
Thank you.
Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
They can sell anything they like, including CDs
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Sorry, but I'm still not picking up on this. My originals are 3008 px x 2000 px (and he's using the same model of camera). The cropping would be different for a 4 x 6 compared to a 5 x 7. Not much, but some.
Would I then crop to best image at 3008 x 2000 and figure that either size will work?
What does "block" the image in gallery settings mean?
Block the sizes in gallery settings - block originals from being displayed
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It's not ideal to put the buyer in this position, but there is no other way to work it unless you disable all print sizes that don't match your 3:2 image aspect ratio (which eliminates a bunch of popular sizes).
In gallery settings, you can set the maximum viewing size on the web. I would suggest setting it to X2 or X3 so people can still get a good view on the web, but aren't able to access your originals. The originals will still be used for sending to the printer.
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