I like where you are going with the second shot. A lot of lace patterns are botanical anyway. If possible I would open up the plant to have more contrast between the positive and negative space, or crop it to give the same effect.
After playing the options I agree that sepia works best on leather. On the plant it would be nice if you could get a bit more detail to come out just to define the plant a bit more
Thanks, all! We are expecting a sunny day tomorrow, so I will be up early and out and about to see what I can find. I'll see if I can find some better Queen Anne's lace to shoot. The saddle will probably wait till Sunday when the weather will be gloomy again.
I really like your Queen Anne Lace! #8 would be my pick. I think it could benefit from a bit more contrast, and maybe cloning out the two dark shadow lines on the lower left. I like the sun being in there!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Your QAL is getting it's just due! AND each succeeding image seems better. So very organic. And liking the contrast too. I think you're onto something.
Ah yes, This is what I was talking about. Great work.
I agree with Tom, I like the contrasting background so either queen anne 6,7 or 9. I would go with 9 if I ws to choose one, I like the DOF in that image.
The composition on the latter is great, but on that and a few others you've got some red channel noise in the sky. It's a royal pain to get rid of in post processing. The only way I've been able to successfully get rid of it is to crop the photo.
I'm not 100% sure what causes it, but if you're using a polarizer it may be the culprit. If you're going to reshoot, I'd try cranking it down a bit.
All Hail the Queen... . I really like the QAL pics, my wife had the same idea, but we couldn't find any to shoot. I haven't had a chance to look from a computer, but from my phone (Samsung galaxyS, so the screen is pretty good), I like 5,9,&10 a lot!
I have a couple more from my reshoot yesterday. These were a little earlier in the day and I think the noise is a bit less because of it. What do you think? I might have another chance for a reshoot tomorrow afternoon.
The Queen Anne's Lace has potential. If you can bring the details of the plant out more, you'll have a contender, IMO.
1. Same here, It is leather, but with no real force behind it.
2. Hard to say about QAL...I think that plant is a good start, but needs some more thought/work.
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I'll see If I can improve with a reshoot of both. Maybe I can go monotone in brown on the saddle.
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun..." Mary Poppins
DavidBroadwell.com, My Smugmug Home
One new idea:
#3 Tattered
#4 Queen Anne's
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I will try a few more tweaks and see what I can come up with.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
I agree with Tom, I like the contrasting background so either queen anne 6,7 or 9. I would go with 9 if I ws to choose one, I like the DOF in that image.
DavidBroadwell.com, My Smugmug Home
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
One more for consideration. I may get a chance for a reshoot these next couple of days, so any suggestions are welcome.
I'm not 100% sure what causes it, but if you're using a polarizer it may be the culprit. If you're going to reshoot, I'd try cranking it down a bit.
I have a couple more from my reshoot yesterday. These were a little earlier in the day and I think the noise is a bit less because of it. What do you think? I might have another chance for a reshoot tomorrow afternoon.
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