
Online print viewing - Smugmug and Facebook

TomorrowsTreasuresSTLTomorrowsTreasuresSTL Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
edited September 28, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
I tried searching the forums, but didn't see anything related to my specific question. If I missed it, I apologize.

I am struggling with how to do this, and do it well! Currently, my smugmug website has only the most recent client galleries, and a few category-specific portfolio galleries. I went through and deleted my older client galleries that hadn't see any activity lately, but wonder if that was the right thing to do.

Also, I have a Facebook page, that I upload a sample of pictures to, and tag clients in them. In an effort to clean up my page, I deleted some of the older albums there, too. I consolidated them, so that my portfolio galleries were the only ones on my page.

Here is my dilemma: Is it messy or sloppy to have too many galleries on my facebook page or my smugmug site? How long should I leave galleries viewable? Is it better to have only the cream-of-the-crop portfolio albums viewable (on both Facebook and Smugmug)?

Specific to Facebook: Currently, my images hadn't been watermarked - which I intend to start now - but my thoughts are the convenience of having friends of friends able to click my name as the author of the picture and get to my site versus the watermark. I don't know that I would be likely to type in someone's name and actively search for them - especially given that there could be multiple pages of similar names on Facebook. I would, however, click on a link to see more.

Any advice?

(facebook link in header)
Thank you,

Heather Rhoads
Tomorrow's Treasures


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    transurferxtransurferx Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited September 25, 2010
    Thanks a lot!
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    TomorrowsTreasuresSTLTomorrowsTreasuresSTL Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited September 28, 2010
    There have been a lot of views to my post, but no one has really replied to it.

    Any advice? How long do you leave your galleries on Smugmug? Do you delete them or just unlist them? How does this work?
    Thank you,

    Heather Rhoads
    Tomorrow's Treasures
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    angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2010
    There have been a lot of views to my post, but no one has really replied to it.

    Any advice? How long do you leave your galleries on Smugmug? Do you delete them or just unlist them? How does this work?

    I apologize for not answering sooner~

    Archiving! I think the largest mistake I have made is deleting images and later needing them. So I archive. It also is recommended that you archive in at least two separate spots so as to decrease the risk from loss.

    As far as whether it is messy or sloppy to have too many galleries, I guess a question back to is: What is your intent? And what do you like.

    Looks like Weddings and Portrait's are your gig of interest. I know what I do, I look around at other sites and find what I think works best for me, then emulate it. And it typically is fewer images versus more.

    FB: I think once again, is it a personal page or a pro-page? If a pro page, then less is sometimes more~

    As far as the Watermarking goes, not sure I follow you other than you wanting others to be able to see it's yours wherever it is, right?

    Other than that, please clarify what the issue is regarding WM vs.?

    tom wise
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