"Hollywood" shots (C&C welcome)
C&C welcomed!
First three from a shoot I did this afternoon. A friend is just wacky about 40s fashion and film, so we did a shoot inspired by the look of Hollywood portraits. We didn't copy any directly, but I was going for that kind of mood one way or another.
Shot with a 7d, 420ex, 430ex and assorted modifiers. Grid and small softbox for the harder light; Photek softliter for the last one.
1 She has kind of a Rita Hayworth thing going on, and had a great sofa for us to use

2 And a red velvet chair in the shape of a shoe - the back really IS that straight - can't decide if I like it, or if it looks too vertical. Also, the shadow from the arm - I don't mind it (and it's very "in style" for a lot of movie-star potraiture from the period), but is it a dealbreaker here?

2a Cropped and tilted

3 And in a somewhat different style.... (with the shoe chair turned 90 degrees)
First three from a shoot I did this afternoon. A friend is just wacky about 40s fashion and film, so we did a shoot inspired by the look of Hollywood portraits. We didn't copy any directly, but I was going for that kind of mood one way or another.
Shot with a 7d, 420ex, 430ex and assorted modifiers. Grid and small softbox for the harder light; Photek softliter for the last one.
1 She has kind of a Rita Hayworth thing going on, and had a great sofa for us to use

2 And a red velvet chair in the shape of a shoe - the back really IS that straight - can't decide if I like it, or if it looks too vertical. Also, the shadow from the arm - I don't mind it (and it's very "in style" for a lot of movie-star potraiture from the period), but is it a dealbreaker here?

2a Cropped and tilted

3 And in a somewhat different style.... (with the shoe chair turned 90 degrees)

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Other than that I really like these!
Canon 5D MARK II, Canon EOS 450D
Canon 24-70mm f/2.8L, Canon 18-55mm
Canon 50mm 1.8, Canon 75-300mm, Tokina 10-24mm, Sigma 18-200mm
Love the first one, just a wee bit "hot" on her skin though.
Two and three I'm a wee bit bothered by the shadows cast by her arm and those under her chin.
The last one I really like but for some reason her pose looks too forced to me.
I'm liking what I see overall, job well done!
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1. Sofa Shot: Lovely! Critical; shoes off and toes together and tucked. This shot as is looks like it happened, which I think brings cred to the shot.
2. This Chair could prob work with it's back on the floor and the Diva-Friend laying on it as she is. Otherwise she has an arm going vertical, looks unnatural.
3. the crop and tilt validates my thoughts somewhat ( see 2 above).
4. Her bum appears to be all-the-way-back into the seat, causing her to lean forward due to the straight-back chair. 4" further towards the edge and she'd look more comfortable.
Shadows. I don't think any of the shadows I see distract. I do have a different take on it than others. Shadows are the alter-aspect of light-play.
Having pretty friends to play with makes for a very lovely set of photos!
Re posing - she was REALLY hard to pose and gets unbelievably stiff. She's actually like that IRL as herself not in front of the camera, so we were fighting natural tendencies... Every once in a while she'd relax her hands (she does this "drinking tea" pinkie thing I had to keep reminding her about) and let her forehead go, but it was tricky to get her to work with that. She wasn't tense... she's just like that :giggle
@Kelly - "studio lighting setup"!!!! :lol
@reyvee I'll check the #'s on brightness - I lifted it in post so it doesn't have to be that hot. I think I was just going for the 40s high contrast look...
@Trudy - I love the bra too... but she wants me to clone it out! Poo... I wish I'd actually encouraged her to let more of it show - I think it's way cool that it matches the sofa :giggle
@Tom - the feet!! I was SOOOOO annoyed when I saw that. I kept telling her to keep them together (and she wanted the shoes - since they're so cool, I was happy to oblige) but they'd move almost as soon as I'd placed them. I didn't mention them in my op because I wanted to see if they jumped out at anybody else as much as they did to me (I knew they would with you sharp-eyed folks, but one always lives in hope
And yeah, the lights mostly behaved. I still can't figure out how to use the popup on the 7d as fill, but I'll get it in time - the interface is just a little confusing and I haven't played with it enough. But as far as hairlights and using very controlled, harder light (instead of the softer look, which has been more my "natural habitat") I was pleased. I haven't got it entirely fluid yet and still can't 100% visualize what I"ll get, but this is the closest I've been to knowing what i'm doing, so the practice definitely paid off
I'd like to keep up on this because it is only a matter of time before I start loading up on flashes for my Canon...and will need all the help I can get!
A few more from Sunday's shoot - C&C always welcomed!!
4 More red dress. I wish it hadn't wrinkled, but the pose seems less uncomfortable to me - does it work better? Pose aside, I'm not sure which I love more - all those reds, or the unbelievable light the Photek produces...
5. More of the Rita Hayworth-y kinda thang ... in colour and BW
5a BW
6 This reminded me of that "Celebrity at Home" kind of shot you used to see - her house is so in period that I thought it would be fun to include the bg in a couple. You can see here how she lifts/wrinkles her forehead - I toned it down as much as I could, but I think I probably need to go further. In a more naturalistic style it probably would be a tosser, but in this, I kinda want to make it work.
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I'm still working through them and, in fact, am trying to figure out what to do with this one. I love her eyes and the light in this one, but the BG is a hot mess (I thought I could clone it down more easily than is proving to be the case, sadly - I really got ploughed by my bg being too small for this shoot). I started playing with textures, though, and kind of liked this since it made the shapes in the bg look kind of like stone. Is it a complete non-starter? If so, I'll scrap the idea and just work on improving my cloning skills
(whoops - against sm's black I see a spot I missed - that's fixable - it's feedback on whether the concept even works in principle I'm trying to get feedback on....)
just completly rocks. The lighting is so spot on!
However, I would like to see some others of that pose as I'm not really loving her facial expression.
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I really like the first one
Scott - would you believe that was the ONLY shot of that pose I got? I have no idea why I only took the one...
Thanks again, everybody! I'm not sure I've completely nailed this multi-light thing, but we had fun playing with it
ETA: Whee! I was wrong - I DID get a couple of others with that light setup and, while the pose isn't quite the same, there are a couple others to look at (note to self: when using filters in LR, rememeber to look at UNRATED shots as well as rated... :bash)
Yeah, I did somehow manage to go broad with all of these simply because of where it was possible to set lights and position her. Because she's slim I didn't worry about it too much, but you're right - short would have gone further to the style AND it's something I sometimes forget to retain as people move around and/or I reset lights multiple times, especially on location where I'm not in my own space where I'm a little more routined.
I wish I could read faces like you and your esteemed colleagues do. I'm getting more comfortable with telling people what to do with thier arms and legs for posing, and setting lights and all the other stuff, but I find it hard to read the planes of a face until AFTER I've reviewed the shots ... by which time it's too late! Are there any good sources of info for learning more about that? I feel there must be some rules of thumb, I just don't know what they are yet............ :giggle
Thanks for chiming in!
I know, her fingers c/should have been less splayed, and for true 40s short lighting would've been better, but I'm really happy with this conversion... THANKS for the tip on that preset, Blurmore - it's a great look, and I suspect I'll be using it whenever I can, because I love it!!