Smugmug CSS Changes & No advance warning. Question:

I guess i'm not the only one who has been complaining about it, but i'd like to know why the changes in generated-HTML/CSS are coming without any warning. I did not get any notification/e-mail/etc. I like the changes itself, but the fact that they are not announced is a little frustrating to me (i'm still very much busy setting up my site), but very frustrating for others.
Please, smugmug,
1- send out an e-mail at least a week in advance when changes are due.
2- send out a document (link to html-page) detailing those changes. This will prevent pro- and power-users from wading through all the messages on dgrin trying to fix their pages.
3- A nice touch would be to set up a staging area that is valid for a week. The staging area would allow users to change/update/fix their site; their current site is still running as is; and allows them to publish their staging area when their updated/new site is ready.
I think the first 2 points are not too much to ask for... it's common software engineer practices.
: It may prevent losing some customers....
I'm complaining here a bit, but i still love smugmug. Keep up the good work, but improve some of your processes. :thumb
-- Anton.
I guess i'm not the only one who has been complaining about it, but i'd like to know why the changes in generated-HTML/CSS are coming without any warning. I did not get any notification/e-mail/etc. I like the changes itself, but the fact that they are not announced is a little frustrating to me (i'm still very much busy setting up my site), but very frustrating for others.
Please, smugmug,
1- send out an e-mail at least a week in advance when changes are due.
2- send out a document (link to html-page) detailing those changes. This will prevent pro- and power-users from wading through all the messages on dgrin trying to fix their pages.
3- A nice touch would be to set up a staging area that is valid for a week. The staging area would allow users to change/update/fix their site; their current site is still running as is; and allows them to publish their staging area when their updated/new site is ready.
I think the first 2 points are not too much to ask for... it's common software engineer practices.

I'm complaining here a bit, but i still love smugmug. Keep up the good work, but improve some of your processes. :thumb
-- Anton.
I can't grasp the notion of time.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Smugmug has everyone's email address, so a mass-mailing should not be any problem. It would also be nice to have better documentation in advance of changes. As a former techie, I can wade through a style sheet or search through Dgrin postings and eventually find the magic words I need to make the changes I want. But I shouldn't have to go to all that work. I would gladly RTFM if only there were one.
I also agree with your third point about providing a staging area to test changes, both Smugmug's and our own. This would be a fantastic improvement.
I agree with both of you,
on all of your points!
I have received an email warning of changes for EVERY change so far, several days in advance. Do we not ALL get these warnings then????
--- I agree with the remark about the non-techie users.... although I use Dgrin from time to time, tinkering with CSS and html is not really my main interest, making photos IS !
Silver Cloud Publishing
Learning how to edit web pages doesn't have to be part of our daily lives. We trade off convenience for complexity. I could have signed up with other photo sites that didn't have such a long list of customizable elements to learn and maintain, where they take care of everything. But part of the reason I'm on smugmug is that I like the fact that they give me all those options and so much control.
-- Anton.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"