LR3, CS5, and NIK Dfine 2.0

I actually went from an old copy of Photoshop to now having LR3, CS5 and NIK Dfine 2.0.
My question is:
Which of the three choices offer the *best* noise reduction?
This is important to me because the Olympus E-30 (which is what I use) has a bit more noise in the higher ISO range (1600-3200) than the Nikons/Canons and I would like to address that.
I also notice that some don't play well with the others.. and cause a really grain image that ends up in the recycle bin.
Any feedback will be appreciated!
My question is:
Which of the three choices offer the *best* noise reduction?
This is important to me because the Olympus E-30 (which is what I use) has a bit more noise in the higher ISO range (1600-3200) than the Nikons/Canons and I would like to address that.
I also notice that some don't play well with the others.. and cause a really grain image that ends up in the recycle bin.
Any feedback will be appreciated!
Imagenomic Noiseware plugin for for Photoshop
I don't bother with NR in ACR because I can't do it selectively. Unless I hear a compeling reason to...I won't.
+1 on this for me. I haven't tried NIK, but found Noiseware to be better than LR3. I could learn to live with LR3 if needed, but the flexibility of selective noise reduction via layers in CS5/NW is great (I'm guessing NIK allows the same thing).
Well, there's really no difference between CS5 (in ACR) and LR3. Like basflt, I use Noiseware, but now I only use it when ACR doesn't cut it. Often this is because of noise in the red or blue channel that is giving me trouble in a B&W conversion. Most of the time, the global NR in ACR works just fine. If you really need to do it selectively, you can always open two copies of the raw file and stack them as masked layers in PS.