Rookie ready to debut - need advices!

Hi everybody
I am almost ready, my trial period is close to finish and I will initially subscribe for a Power plan.
My SmugMug site ( is going to be sharply focused on images of Venice, my hometown.
Some of the images I will upload are ready (I uploaded some finished test images watermarked), at least from my point of view but since I am a new at SM, I am not sure about the standards that could better be applied to them :dunno.
I would like you have a look at the images I already uploaded and tell me what you think, particularly in relation with the issues I list.
Is it advisable to sharpen to a certain degree in Photoshop the original image or is it better to sharpen it through the SM sharpening tool?
I sometime apply some noise reduction (NoiseNinja) to images or to portion of images, but I am confident of the printed result when I use the lab I know. Do you think the images I have need any more NR?
-Images too dark? Too contrasty?
From SM help: “The words of death are, 'it looked good on my monitor.'” That is exactly what I think of my images, but probably the people here at SM who has a longer experience (especially about SM printing) can tell me if they really look OK or not.
-EZ Prints or BayPhoto? :scratch
Here I am really confused but, again, looking at the style of my pictures I hope somebody will advice me on which one of the two could do the best prints.
-Text page
I'd like to have a text page where I introduce my work, but in a different place from the Bio box that can appear in Homepage. Is it possible?
I want to thank all the people who will give their contribution.
I am almost ready, my trial period is close to finish and I will initially subscribe for a Power plan.
My SmugMug site ( is going to be sharply focused on images of Venice, my hometown.
Some of the images I will upload are ready (I uploaded some finished test images watermarked), at least from my point of view but since I am a new at SM, I am not sure about the standards that could better be applied to them :dunno.
I would like you have a look at the images I already uploaded and tell me what you think, particularly in relation with the issues I list.
Is it advisable to sharpen to a certain degree in Photoshop the original image or is it better to sharpen it through the SM sharpening tool?
I sometime apply some noise reduction (NoiseNinja) to images or to portion of images, but I am confident of the printed result when I use the lab I know. Do you think the images I have need any more NR?
-Images too dark? Too contrasty?
From SM help: “The words of death are, 'it looked good on my monitor.'” That is exactly what I think of my images, but probably the people here at SM who has a longer experience (especially about SM printing) can tell me if they really look OK or not.
-EZ Prints or BayPhoto? :scratch
Here I am really confused but, again, looking at the style of my pictures I hope somebody will advice me on which one of the two could do the best prints.
-Text page
I'd like to have a text page where I introduce my work, but in a different place from the Bio box that can appear in Homepage. Is it possible?
I want to thank all the people who will give their contribution.
Yes, you can have a text page. Take a look at Allen's tutorial at
I'll leave it to the folks from smug to answer your sharpening / noise / print questions.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
p.s. I will probably upgrade for the Pro subscription in a short time
Venice PhotoBlog
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I really can't offer comparisons because I haven't used EZ Prints, but I can tell you that each and every print I've received from Bay has been absolutely perfect and stunning!
SmugMug QA
My Photos
it's good to know; judging from both Denise's and your posts it seems BayPhoto is more accurate in high end printing.
I would ask you if you could kindly have a look at my images and compare noise/exposure/sharpening issues with yours and let me know what you think regarding the printing results and/or problems I could possiblyencounter.
Venice PhotoBlog