DSS#60 - some ideas

Hi, I got some ideas so far:




Please tell my your opinion.
Thank you,




Please tell my your opinion.
Thank you,
Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera
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Thank you Tom - I thought it was cute too, when I found it
I have to ask Sean if this is not considered frame though...
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It is actually a component of the photo, so it is not technically a frame, I think Sean will agree. However, I do wonder what the context is? Is that a shade in a window? And do you want or should that be included in your potential entry? When I read the rules/discourse regarding frames, the point that struck me was someone saying they only wanted to judge a photo, not have to judge a photo AND a frame along with it...so something to consider~
For instance if this is in a window, then perhaps someone peeking thru?
Thank you Tom again. It's a curtain and unfortunately I don't have anybody in the photo, nor I can reshoot it...
I guess I will just give up this time. No other interesting subjects around.
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If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Thank you Sandy, I'll think about
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Good idea - I'll see..., to bad I came home and don't have anymore the countryside ops.... I have to dig in what I have, on the photos I took on this trip to N-E Canada, in these 2 weeks period of time...
Thank you so much
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The shots you submitted are very nice but I know you can do better.
Hi Linda, Thank you so much for trying to help me again
The Bistro window was taken in Tadoussac - a small french village, N. St. Laurent river, Quebec (beautiful area)
- unfortunately it was raining hard for the 2 days we stayed there and the photo was only possible at night, when
I could see inside (with the lights on). No way for me to install the tripod and take the time to do a very good shot...
I was sure I could find something similar here in Ottawa/Gatineau area, and even though it's still rainy, I looked
yesterday, all the day long for something like this... nothing.
I got another idea though, that I'll post shortly in a new thread, for CC...
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