Unhappy Cropping of Thumbnails

I like to have my family photo galleries with thumbnails cropped to squares for photos and original aspect ratio for videos. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that SmugMug makes this easy to achieve for galleries to which images and videos are added over time.
You see, if I start a gallery out knowing I'm going to have both videos and photos, I start by uploading the videos with the gallery thumbnail crop set to original. That leaves my video thumbnails cropped to 16:9. Then, I change the gallery setting to square thumbnails before uploading the photos. That works fine until the next time I have a video to upload.
If I go to upload another video, I can't get the video thumbnail in at it's original aspect ratio without switching the gallery thumbnail crop setting back to original. This has the unfortunate side effect of changing all my nicely square-cropped photos back to original. Then, after uploading the video, I have to go back and manually re-crop the photo thumbnails to squares.
I thought one way out of this would be to replace the video preview image. But, unfortunately, if the gallery is set to square thumbnails, the preview image gets cropped too.
I'm posting this, because I'm hoping someone out there can just point me to something obvious I'm missing to make this work well for me.
You see, if I start a gallery out knowing I'm going to have both videos and photos, I start by uploading the videos with the gallery thumbnail crop set to original. That leaves my video thumbnails cropped to 16:9. Then, I change the gallery setting to square thumbnails before uploading the photos. That works fine until the next time I have a video to upload.
If I go to upload another video, I can't get the video thumbnail in at it's original aspect ratio without switching the gallery thumbnail crop setting back to original. This has the unfortunate side effect of changing all my nicely square-cropped photos back to original. Then, after uploading the video, I have to go back and manually re-crop the photo thumbnails to squares.
I thought one way out of this would be to replace the video preview image. But, unfortunately, if the gallery is set to square thumbnails, the preview image gets cropped too.
I'm posting this, because I'm hoping someone out there can just point me to something obvious I'm missing to make this work well for me.
You can then adjust them individually.
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Yeah, it really seems like that should be a way that you can return square video thumbnails to their original aspect ratio, but it doesn't work. I've tried it multiple times, and it has no effect.
The only way I can unsquare a square video thumbnail is to change the whole gallery thumbnail crop setting to original. And, by doing that, I'm then forced to recrop the photo thumbnails, which takes forever, because many of them have custom square crops.
Looks weird to me.
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Thanks for the response.