Answers to a large conundrum
I have a time machine, which contains 60,000 full resolution file photos that are also on my Smugmug site, going back to 2006. Some of these are keyworded, pre 2008 are written in the metadata with ACDSee, post 2008 were keyworded in Aperture (when I bought a Mac and became pretentious). Aperture didn't write the keyword info to all of the files. All of the versions on my Smugmug site are keyworded (with driver and racetrack names).
I shoot racing only and am almost done for the season until March-April 2010, therefore I have plenty of time to work n this project. Last night my early 2008 Macbook Pro just stops working. I have a perfectly good Windows XP desktop, that I want to have setup with Picasa desktop as it's free. While I can always hunt down an exact driver photo on my website, then search my time machine for the corresponding filename to find the original file, I would like to have full resolution, keyworded photos on Smugmug, Time Machine, two backup external drives that are clones of time machine, on Aperture once I get my laptop fixed, and in Picasa on my spare XP machine, and even be able to use my Linux dinosaur if all else fails.
So my question is, what method would you use to download (with original filenames) (possibly smaller file size) photos from Smugmug and extract keyword metadata to paste into the original high res. photos (with matching filenames)?
Also is there a way in Aperture to write keyword metadata to the files so I am not faced with this in the future?
Sorry to ramble, just trying to explain my thoughts, and see if anyone has any better ideas. I know I can be anal, I just value my photo collection and all of the hard work I have put into it.
Thanks in advance
I shoot racing only and am almost done for the season until March-April 2010, therefore I have plenty of time to work n this project. Last night my early 2008 Macbook Pro just stops working. I have a perfectly good Windows XP desktop, that I want to have setup with Picasa desktop as it's free. While I can always hunt down an exact driver photo on my website, then search my time machine for the corresponding filename to find the original file, I would like to have full resolution, keyworded photos on Smugmug, Time Machine, two backup external drives that are clones of time machine, on Aperture once I get my laptop fixed, and in Picasa on my spare XP machine, and even be able to use my Linux dinosaur if all else fails.
So my question is, what method would you use to download (with original filenames) (possibly smaller file size) photos from Smugmug and extract keyword metadata to paste into the original high res. photos (with matching filenames)?
Also is there a way in Aperture to write keyword metadata to the files so I am not faced with this in the future?
Sorry to ramble, just trying to explain my thoughts, and see if anyone has any better ideas. I know I can be anal, I just value my photo collection and all of the hard work I have put into it.
Thanks in advance