Hot Women and Fast Cars

Truth in advertising, you were warned. :wink
So this is how I spent my Saturday morning. This was part of a charity fund raising rally for the Las Vegas Ferrari club. The girls and I volunteered our time for pics that are given to the rally entrants. There were 5 or 6 stops that the cars had to make at different locations, and I was the photographer at this one. It was about 100F in that parking lot, no shade, but the girls were really good sports. It was a lot of fun!

The end.

Thanks for lookin'.
So this is how I spent my Saturday morning. This was part of a charity fund raising rally for the Las Vegas Ferrari club. The girls and I volunteered our time for pics that are given to the rally entrants. There were 5 or 6 stops that the cars had to make at different locations, and I was the photographer at this one. It was about 100F in that parking lot, no shade, but the girls were really good sports. It was a lot of fun!

The end.

Thanks for lookin'.
Hahaha, I KNEW you were going to say that, Tom.
Thanks for the kind words.
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I would like to see some different angles, maybe low and wide. Maybe throw the backgrounds out of focus....
Well, the birds are cool, but these chicks I didn't have to chase as far.
Yes, it was awful, Richard. The things we do for charity. After the shoot, I borrowed one of the Ferraris and took the girls for a ride, and then we all went back to my penthouse and had an orgy! Oh, wait, I only dreamed that part.
Yeah, that was a pretty nice car. Choices.
I would have liked that as well. Yeah, I was supposed to get the owner's sign in the picture, but it was too high. Fortunately, the banner over the door has the business name which was a compromise. I also used a deep DOF to make sure the entire car and multiple models were all in focus. I should have taken some shots just for me with more variety. However, all 30 cars showed up at the same time, and there was a mad rush to get them photographed and on their way. I didn't spend more than 30 seconds on each car. Then suddenly it was all over. If I do this again, I think I'll try to spend more time with some of the nicer cars.
Yes they were, and I was pretty tempted to strip down myself.
Thanks, Mary. I didn't know you lived in Vegas!
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I meant I didn't see the pretty ladies in the photos, but the cars
No I don't live in Vegas -- I live in ND.
I didn't think you lived in Vegas.
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Here's the calendar advert. I'm March and December (#3 and #12). :ivar
Here are the closeups of the pics
I didn't think they were so hot, but there's no accounting for taste I guess.
Thanks for letting me gloat a little.
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Congrats. :ivar
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Thanks, Mary!!
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Newspapers and now calendars. Someone is getting a little publicity.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion