Advice on organizing galleries
Registered Users Posts: 160 Major grins
I've been using SmugMug for a couple of years now, but I haven't really used Smugmug as a site where to send people to look at my photos, instead I've used it as a place where to store/archive my photos. I've also written some custom stuff so I can use my smugmug pictures on various blogs.
But I've considered to actually start using Smugmug as a place to send people. My idea was to set galleries in general to unlisted and those I wanted to show to listed and then use the gallery view to show people the photos. Unfortunately, this would drive me crazy -- I would never find the galleries *I* want to see, the sheer number of galleries would be too many. But having a category view would make it too difficult for people to find the albums.
Is there some way to have two different views of the photos, one for me and one for all others?
(the only way I can come up with is to create a second account :rofl )
But I've considered to actually start using Smugmug as a place to send people. My idea was to set galleries in general to unlisted and those I wanted to show to listed and then use the gallery view to show people the photos. Unfortunately, this would drive me crazy -- I would never find the galleries *I* want to see, the sheer number of galleries would be too many. But having a category view would make it too difficult for people to find the albums.
Is there some way to have two different views of the photos, one for me and one for all others?
(the only way I can come up with is to create a second account :rofl )
Jan Erik Moström
Jan Erik Moström
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Me? my wish if for predictable or static file naming...the current system is, well, asinine on the best of days. Right now short of jumping through the hoops of the API I can't programatically create content, using my existing file naming conventions, on other sites with links to images stored on SM. It's a total PITA. So we all have things we would like...
EDIT: Oh, wait I see what you want to do...short of setting a gallery to to private I dunno...maybe judicious use of keywords and smart galleries? Sigh...sorry for not reading your OP correctly first time though.
Anyway, "I" have solved the naming problem. I'm using Aperture and have started to use SmuginForAperture Pro for uploading to Smugmug -- the nice thing with this is that SmuginForAperture adds all relevant info to a photos meta info in Aperture which mean than I easily can create links by selecting the photos I want to link to in Aperture and then run an Applescript for generating the links. This works perfectly and have saved me a lot of time/effort, highly recommended (if you're using Aperture)
Jan Erik Moström
Hope you got some good food for though on the gallery setup. I actually have had some fun playing with the options and so far if I sit down and puzzle through it, I've almost always found a way to make what I am trying work. Mostly just testing this and that but even a few I let folks see.
{....snip...I cut out a bunch of whining about my file naming issues because, well they really don't belong's your thread so I'll start my own if it seems worth following...but know the jfriedl's LR3.x export plug-in does essentially the same thing as your Aperture plug-in...though seeing the AppleScript would in interesting to give an idea...thanks for the idea!!...}
Anyway, sorry for sort of hijacking your problem with probably belongs in the API section...and please tell me if you prefer it gone from your thread...
BTW, why does this good stuff always happen when I am needing to go to bed so I can try and actually work the next day. Sigh... So, I'll searcha bit more, thanks for getting me thinking about it rather than just saying "screw it" and going back to my old solution.
Jan Erik Moström
Anyway here is the script I use (turned out that the bug I was seeing originated in a help text bug on Smugmugs site Note that it contains code for sending the result to BBEdit or MarsEdit, also that I'm using a custom tag that looks like this
[smug src='1001948304_cBzZj-M.jpg' width='337' height='450' psize='XL' group='uu']Leifs oxe[/smug]
I then have some custom WP plugins that displays the photos the way I want them
-- SmugMug sizes
-- Tiny - 100*100
-- Thumbnail - 150*150
-- Small - 400*300
-- Medium - 600*450
-- Large - 800*600
-- XLarge - 1024*768
-- XXLarge - 1280*960
--set photosize to button returned of (display dialog "What size?" buttons {"Small", "Medium", "Large"})
property sizes : {"Tiny 100*100", "Thumbnail 150*150", "Small 400*300", "Medium 600*450", "Large 800*600", "XLarge 1024*768", "XXLarge 1280*960"}
property sizeIndexName : "TinyThumSmalMediLargXLarXXLa"
property sizeWidths : {100, 150, 400, 600, 800, 1024, 1280}
property sizeHeights : {100, 150, 300, 450, 600, 768, 960}
property sizeSmug : {"Ti", "Th", "S", "M", "L", "XL", "X2"}
on sendToMarsEdit(links, meta)
set nrOfItems to the number of items of links
repeat with ll from 1 to nrOfItems
set x to item ll of meta
my createBlogEntry("svenska", phdate of x, headline of x, item ll of links, "", phkeywords of x)
end repeat
end sendToMarsEdit
on getInfo(curItem)
-- Read the meta info from Aperture
set metaInfo to {headline:"", caption:"", phkeywords:"", phdate:"", phwidth:"", phheight:"", flickrID:"", flickrURL:"", smugmugGallery:"", smugmugGalleryID:"", smugmugGalleryKey:"", smugmugID:"", smugmugImageKey:""}
tell application "Aperture"
tell curItem
set phwidth of metaInfo to width
set phheight of metaInfo to height
set phdate of metaInfo to value of EXIF tag "ImageDate"
set headline of metaInfo to value of IPTC tag "Headline"
set caption of metaInfo to value of IPTC tag "Caption/Abstract"
set phkeywords of metaInfo to value of IPTC tag "Keywords"
end try
set flickrID of metaInfo to value of custom tag "Flickr ID"
set flickrURL of metaInfo to value of custom tag "Flickr URL"
end try
set smugmugGalleryID of metaInfo to value of custom tag "SmugMug Gallery ID"
set smugmugGallery of metaInfo to value of custom tag "SmugMug Gallery"
set smugmugGalleryKey of metaInfo to value of custom tag "SmugMug Gallery Key"
set smugmugID of metaInfo to value of custom tag "SmugMug ID"
set smugmugImageKey of metaInfo to value of custom tag "SmugMug Image Key"
end try
end tell
end tell
return metaInfo
end getInfo
on calcSize(orgWidth, orgHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight)
if maxWidth = 100 then
return {100, 100}
else if maxWidth = 150 then
return {150, 150}
-- Which decides? height or width
set scaleWidth to orgWidth / maxWidth
set scaleHeight to orgHeight / maxHeight
if scaleWidth < scaleHeight then
set iWidth to orgWidth / scaleHeight
set iHeight to maxHeight
set iWidth to maxWidth
set iHeight to orgHeight / scaleWidth
end if
return {round iWidth, round iHeight}
end if
end calcSize
on makeLink(sizeIndex, photo)
set imgSize to calcSize(phwidth of photo, phheight of photo, item sizeIndex of sizeWidths, item sizeIndex of sizeHeights)
return "[smug src='" & smugmugID of photo & "_" & smugmugImageKey of photo & "-" & item sizeIndex of sizeSmug & ".jpg' width='" & item 1 of imgSize & "' height='" & item 2 of imgSize & "' psize='XL' group='uu']" & headline of photo & "[/smug]" & return & return & caption of photo & return
end makeLink
on sendToBBEdit(theLinks)
tell application "BBEdit"
make new text document with properties {contents:theLinks as text}
end tell
end sendToBBEdit
-- Create a blog entry using MarsEdit
-- p_blog : Which blog to use
-- p_date : The posting date of the entry
-- p_title : The title of the entry
-- p_body : The actual content of the entry
-- p_category : The category in which the post should be filed
-- p_taglist : A string with comma separated tags
on createBlogEntry(p_blog, p_date, p_title, p_body, p_category, p_taglist)
set c_title to normalize unicode p_title without decomposition
set c_body to normalize unicode p_body without decomposition
set c_taglist to normalize unicode p_taglist without decomposition
tell application "MarsEdit"
set newPost to make new document
set current blog of newPost to blog p_blog
tell newPost
set body to c_body
if p_category ≠ "" then
set category names to {p_category}
end if
set published date to p_date
set tags to c_taglist
set title to c_title
end tell
end tell
end createBlogEntry
on run
set res to item 1 of (choose from list sizes default items {"Medium 600*400"})
-- I hate doing things like this in Applescript ... there has to be a better way!!
set sizeSelected to (characters 1 thru 4 of (word 1 of res)) as text
set sizeIndex to 1 + (offset of sizeSelected in sizeIndexName) div 4
-- Get the selected images
tell application "Aperture"
set selectedImages to selection
end tell
-- Loop over the selected images and generate links for them
set links to {}
set meta to {}
repeat with aphoto in selectedImages
set metaInfo to getInfo(aphoto)
set end of links to makeLink(sizeIndex, metaInfo)
set end of meta to metaInfo
end repeat
-- Where to put the result
set dest to button returned of (display dialog "Sent the links where?" buttons {"BBEdit", "MarsEdit"} default button 2)
if dest = "MarsEdit" then
sendToMarsEdit(links, meta)
else if dest = "BBEdit" then
end if
end run
Jan Erik Moström
You are an evil, evil dude!! hehehehe...but, yup, you are so right. I remember the learning curve for hash tables for weird for me as I had already taken Linear Algebra and Discrete Structures (undergrad at the time but took them at the same time...sigh, what a luxury to be have that much energy and the ability to learn easily & quickly...where did that wander off to while I was not paying attention?) long before we addressed them in any of my CS I had exposure but only understood them from the math side of the, ahem, equation...snickersnicker...
Cool you found the bug....
I still contend that regex's are the spawn of the devil (you choice of devil)...the first time I read one I was working doing for a company developing a lab info management system in FoxPro before it was assimilated by MS...took me a week to get my head right after I don't do enough coding to trust myself so I use a dedicated regex tool to get a base equation...yeah, I cheat and am darned proud of it!! hahahaha...
Thanks a bunch for the script. Digesting is a bit now...if I have q's do you mind future questions? If nothing else I now have some much better ideas from my quick look through your script.
Also last night I thought what I could also do is build a local look-up table (keep a copy on a local SQLServer as well as one of my servers...might just use MySQL but, eh, either or...). After the first build I could rebuild anytime I wanted, add only newly added photo's and you get the idea...not sure about adding a procedure to update existing records as it's prolly just as easy to rebuild the whole thing when it comes to that point. Still ruminating on that as my solution rather than futz with the API every time I upload images...though I like the idea of stuffing the gallery specific info into custom Exif fields I can always extract...
Well, now I have some options which seem less dependent on the SM API being up and available...and that is what I worry about, the lack of access to the API when I need it. With my look-up table I have the advantage of redundant copies online as well as local working copy. If I go a step further and stuff info into custom Exif data fields of each image then it adds another layer to the belt-n-suspenders and should not represent that much extra work.
I genuinely appreciate your help!! thanks a BUNCH!!
Jan Erik Moström
any chance you could tell us what the plugins do/are, and show us what they produce? ;-)
I'm re-designing my blog site and almost switched to Flickr, but decided to stay after I learnt a few things and realised once again that the SmugMug people care :-) And I've just discovered the SmuginProForAperture plugin which will make things easier.
part of Flickr's attraction was the Aperture functionality, being able to sync to the Flickr sets, but the SmuginProForAperture plugin will certainly put a dent in that advantage.
Personally I would stay away from the Flickr sync in Aperture/iPhoto ... I've played with it and it didn't fit my way of thinking/working at all.
What I did was to (finally) unify three plugins I've written so that I can generate a tag similar to this
[foto src='/2011/06/2011-06-11_14-22-25_20684.jpg' pop='/2011/06/2011-06-11_14-22-25_20685.jpg' max='/2011/06/2011-06-11_14-22-25_20686.jpg' sizes='500:335:900:602:1600:1071' title='' group='uu']
which the plugin change to proper HTML using whatever code I like. The end result from this specific example can be seen here
The plugin handles three different versions of the tag (although I only use two ), 'foto' means that the image is stored on my own servers (I create three different sizes of the file), 'smug' that the foto is hosted on smugmug - this is the type of tag that the script above generates and the last one is 'flickr' ... I think I leave it for you to guess where the photos are hosted
I don't manually generate the links but use different scripts to create them (nor do I manually upload the photos to my own server, an applescript takes care of everything - I just select the photos in Aperture, run the script and then write the blog entry in MarsEdit where the script had created an entry populating the title and body with info from Headline and Caption + tags etc)
Jan Erik Moström
I see that Smugmug is upto creating a new look
is there anyway the galleries can go deeper, OR just give people the option
I read some where that SM does not feel it would be a good move
give people that are here that option to choose or not choose
I take pics for an organization
I would like to put
and within the title various titles
I started to change things on my site
and then realized why am I doing this
it is just going to be the same only 3 deep...not solving my problem at all
if I set it up your way
I will have to put multiple main categories with the same NAME
on my homepage
now that to me would not look good and not clean!
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