Congratulations DsrtVW for the DSS #60 (Lace or Leather) Winning Photo!

Thank you everyone again for voting.
Our judge ilbcnu (Amanda) and the public vote, agreed on 5 images, giving you 16 finalists to choose from. Because of a 3 way tie for 10th place in the public vote we have 1 extra.
Congratulations to all of you! :clap
The poll will remain open for 72 hours, and any previously registered member of DGrin may vote.
DsrtVW - Talabartería

ic4u - Get a Grip

Froch - Tough As Leather

SeascapeS - Vintage Elegance

Kidzmom - "As Soft as a Whisper"

angevin1 - Laced with Tears

richtersl - Delicate and Dainty

sweetharmony - Sara's Buckskin Dress - The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

lkbart - Three generations of lace

pemmett - To run or not to run...

photo-bug - Take one

dnie - Leather and Chrome

oldtown_dreamer - men too can sew!

amiable - the fibers of her being

Johnrog - Tough Guys

Thanks for entering and voting!
Don't forget to make your comments in the gallery located here
Our judge ilbcnu (Amanda) and the public vote, agreed on 5 images, giving you 16 finalists to choose from. Because of a 3 way tie for 10th place in the public vote we have 1 extra.
Congratulations to all of you! :clap
The poll will remain open for 72 hours, and any previously registered member of DGrin may vote.

DsrtVW - Talabartería

ic4u - Get a Grip

Froch - Tough As Leather

SeascapeS - Vintage Elegance

Kidzmom - "As Soft as a Whisper"

angevin1 - Laced with Tears

richtersl - Delicate and Dainty

sweetharmony - Sara's Buckskin Dress - The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

lkbart - Three generations of lace

pemmett - To run or not to run...

photo-bug - Take one

dnie - Leather and Chrome

oldtown_dreamer - men too can sew!

amiable - the fibers of her being

Johnrog - Tough Guys

Thanks for entering and voting!
Don't forget to make your comments in the gallery located here
Vote for the DSS #60 (Lace or Leather) Winning Photo! 81 votes
DsrtVW - Talabartería
16 votes
ic4u - Get a Grip
6 votes
Froch - Tough As Leather
6 votes
SeascapeS - Vintage Elegance
4 votes
Kidzmom - "As Soft as a Whisper"
6 votes
angevin1 - Laced with Tears
11 votes
richtersl - Delicate and Dainty
3 votes
sweetharmony - Sara's Buckskin Dress
0 votes - The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
6 votes
lkbart - Three generations of lace
4 votes
pemmett - To run or not to run...
2 votes
photo-bug - Take one
7 votes
dnie - Leather and Chrome
0 votes
oldtown_dreamer - men too can sew!
0 votes
amiable - the fibers of her being
3 votes
Johnrog - Tough Guys
7 votes
I'm going to have to think about this for a bit. I still have 3 or 4 favorites.
I too will need to think on my vote, torn between a few!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I am so happy to be included with this group. There are some amazing shots this time. I think this is going to take a few look through's to decide on just one.
My SmugMug
I wanted to let everyone know how I went about picking my top 10. I went through the gallery in large size blocking the entries names and not seeing any comments. I first went with images that immediately brought lace or leather to my mind, then went through looking for images that I liked - composition, conversion or interesting to me personally then to the best of my knowledge I looked at them technically.
I must say that I had way over 10 images over and over again. It was very, very difficult to get down to the 10 and I am glad to see that some of the ones I cut out still made it to the finalists round.
I will enter comments for all the entries over the next day or so.
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
Sean - For future challenges, is there any way to get a link to the gallery included in the "Vote for the DSS ..." post above, like you did here:
Maybe it's just me (or am I overlooking a link?), but having to hunt for the original *ENTRY* post to find the gallery so I can look at all the shots &/or make comments, well I have to scroll down to find it (awful, isn't it?!) & I keep clicking on the wrong one (not sure if this is klutzy or 'ding dong nobodys home' but I'll vote for klutzy), so I guess I'm wondering if there is an easier way (or I'm just trying to enable laziness!!). I also wonder if there might be more comments made if the link to the gallery was provided in the voting post, especially if it included a suggestion or encouragement for people to make comments. Probably not, but it's a thought.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
I still have to choose one and like some of you, I am having a very hard time with that! Very good entries this time!
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
All the links to everything DSS are located in the sticky thread called The DGRIN SHARP SHOOTERS (DSS) Challenges (Quick links to all things official)
I will make a point of trying to remember to link to the gallery in future polls though.
i'm humbled and honored. and so very grateful to be included with this group. seriously.
and now the hard part starts: deciding which image to vote for.
- Diana
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . . ...... Facebook
Announcing the Top 5 Images for DSS round #60 (Lace or Leather)
I can smell it... You know that wonderful smell of leather when you walk into a shop with leather goods.
A big congratulations goes to DsrtVW for first place:
The top 5 placers this round are qualified for prizes. Winner PM's to be sent out this weekend
1. DsrtVW
2. angevin1
3. photo-bug
4. Johnrog
5. (4 way tie) ic4u, Froch, Kidzmom,
Congratulations Everyone!
Congrats, also, to the other top finishers. These are all really special.
My Photostream
Congrats ot the winners. Great job this round. So many variations.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Thank you!! To everyone who voted, and voted for my photo too!
Great round!
And thanks to those of you who gave my lace shot the nod.
Also congrats to angevin1, photo-bug, Johnrog, ic4u, Froch, Kidzmom and!! You all did a great job!
My SmugMug
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Congrats DsrtVW, well desrved win!
Thanks to all who supported my shot!
Very happy to be amongst the top 5!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain ...... Facebook
Great fun, everyone....great fun....
My Smugmug Photos
I thought yours was one of the best, Linda ...... Facebook