Slideshow - flash question
I have a problem with the slideshow on my computer.
The slideshow button appears but I can't click it.
If I use slideshow view only an empty window appears.
The problem is the same on 3 different internet browsers (IE8, Firefox, Flash).
On my wife's computer everything works fine.
My OS is Windows 7 64bit. I guess there is a problem with flash or security settings, but I wasn't able to figure out where the problem is.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
The slideshow button appears but I can't click it.
If I use slideshow view only an empty window appears.
The problem is the same on 3 different internet browsers (IE8, Firefox, Flash).
On my wife's computer everything works fine.
My OS is Windows 7 64bit. I guess there is a problem with flash or security settings, but I wasn't able to figure out where the problem is.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
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Thank you for the hint.
I already did that, but still the problem persists.
Can you see the slideshow here: ?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
As posted I tried it in 3 different browsers.
In firefox I have uninstalled adblock.
I can see the slideshow on your page.
This is really mysterious, cause I can use the slideshow on a different computer on my page without a problem....
Can you check what version of Internet Explorer you open? Only the 32bit version supports Flash, the 64bit one does not. So if you open Internet Explorer, open the version not with 64bit in the name.
What privacy / security settings do you have set in Internet Explorer? Go to Tools > Internet Options and in the security / privacy tab, check that you've set the medium level.
Do you have any toolbars or addons installed in IE? Check on add-ons via Tools menu > manage add-ons and list all the add-ons currently running while you view your SmugMug gallery.
What antivirus, firewall or internet security software do you have running?
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