
Sydney Australia Printshop

det1racdet1rac Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
edited October 6, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
Good Afternoon, Evening, Morning,

I was wondering if you could help me. I am selling some photos to a client in Sydney, Australia and wanted to know if you had any local print shops that I can do business with.

Looking for a shop who can print 40X60 on a free floating Plexiglas mount on various medias such as metallic print.

Something the equivalent of Duggal in New York.

Any suggestions?
Thanks, Robert
Q9300 8GB DDR3
ATI 4850, 750GB Local drive, 4TB of NAS storage
Bibble Pro 4.0, PhotoMatrix, PTGui
Pentax K20D, 16-50mm f2.8, LensBaby 3G, 12-24mm f4, 50mm f.14
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