CS Live
Hey guys, I work with Adobe and am currently looking for some feedback on CS Live, specifically CS Review. Have any of you who have clients used this service during the creative review process to get client feedback on touchups? What did you think of the service?
I think a majority of people here use Smugmug (since it is a smugmug forum), so why would a person use CS Review? Especially since I see the reviewer has to create a "Adobe ID", just seems like a hassle to me?
Hey thanks for responding. These are excellent questions. CS Live is a suite of services that includes among other things CS Review, Browser Lab (for cross-browser testing) and Adobe Story (for screenwriting). Specifically, CS Review is an online service that makes it very simple and easy to gather and act on feedback for page layouts, images, and videos. The program lets you track comments online and gives you the ability to take action on them directly in programs like Photoshop. So, to summarize, the main intent is to simplify the creative review process so all feedback is stored online and can be acted upon within one program. I hope this answers your question.
If you have any other questions or would like to know anything else about the program, feel free to ask.