I HATE the green text
Hi all,
Due to work committments, I had not logged into my Smugmug account for a while.
Imagine my horror when I logged in yesterday and there was green text everywhere :jawdrop
I think it looks awful. A quick search determined that I can't do anything about it except upgrade my account and then mess about with some sort of html hacking, something I have zero interest in doing
One of the reasons that I came to Smugmug was it's ease of use and attractive interface.....now I'm seriously considering putting my pics elsewhere.....I know that sounds a bit melodramatic, but I really hate all that green text!
Due to work committments, I had not logged into my Smugmug account for a while.
Imagine my horror when I logged in yesterday and there was green text everywhere :jawdrop
I think it looks awful. A quick search determined that I can't do anything about it except upgrade my account and then mess about with some sort of html hacking, something I have zero interest in doing
One of the reasons that I came to Smugmug was it's ease of use and attractive interface.....now I'm seriously considering putting my pics elsewhere.....I know that sounds a bit melodramatic, but I really hate all that green text!
a.title, .title, .imgBorderOn {
color: red;
BTW, I hated it when I first saw it, but its grown on me so much that I put it back in my cobranding. I think it shows up really nice against the black background. But, I know some hate it. I would give it a little time. I dont think its bad at all.
I don't know how much this will allow users with a Standard account to customize, but I gotta admit it sounds cool.
yes, and there's some talk about making it easy for any level account to change the text colors, too
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Sorry, Andy, but not that I'm aware of.
Whatever Theme you've selected for a given gallery will affect the font color - choosing 'Halloween', for example, might have orange text. But it'll have other things, too, and you won't have control over it other than selecting the Theme.
I imagine there will be a handful of smugmug Themes, with the default being 'smugmug green', but probably also 'smugmug silver' along with 'smugmug blue', etc.
Power User and Pro accounts will be able to create their own Themes, Standard accounts will only have access to Themes smugmug builds and offers.
thanks for the clarification, don. there's been so many advancements lately i must've just gotten flummoxed.
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