Picture upload question

I was hoping to get a bit of feedback on a couple of recent shots but I only seem to be able to upload one picture.
Am I doing something wrong or is my account restricted in some way?
Am I doing something wrong or is my account restricted in some way?
I've moved this over to the Dgrin Support forum.
There are two basic ways to get a photo visible in the forum. You can attach and embed photos.
Attaching means that you upload a photo to the forum, and we store it here. There are limitations as far as file-& imagesize as well as on the number of photos you can attach. Only one per post is allowed.
The best way is embedding your photos. You can embed an unlimited amount of photos in your posts, and they are not restricted as far as size goes. It means that your photos stay on your site, the forum embeds those so that they are visible here.
I see you have a SmugMug account, which makes it even easier. There is a tutorial on how to embed from your SmugMug account.
Go to 'Tutorials' near the top of the page, then click on the Digital Grin Tutorials and it will be there
Let us know if you have any questions!
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug