Great Salt Lake Shoot
I did my second nude shoot this weekend.
We went up to the northern end of the Great Salt Lake.
The location we found was just beautiful.
My friend brought some studio lights and I also had my speedlight with a stand and umbrella.
You can see the whole gallery here
C&C Appreciated




We went up to the northern end of the Great Salt Lake.
The location we found was just beautiful.
My friend brought some studio lights and I also had my speedlight with a stand and umbrella.
You can see the whole gallery here
C&C Appreciated





Slow down and get the shot,
Dr. T
Canon 5D, 75-300 f/4-5.6, 28-75 f/2.8, 50 f/1.8, Lensbaby
Dr. T
Canon 5D, 75-300 f/4-5.6, 28-75 f/2.8, 50 f/1.8, Lensbaby
congrats on having another attempt at this. Practice is everything.
Funny as it is, I like the non-nude image (#1) the most. It has a nice lighting, good colors (albeit a bit "flashy", but that is a question of a personal taste) and a natural, relaxed good looking pose.
As for the rest, my biggest concerns are:
* forced, awkward, unnatural and, as a result, non-flattering poses;
* lame angles; it's been said many times: NEVER shoot a female full height from your (male) eye level; simplest thing is get below HER waist level, slightly above her knees (that is if you shoot at 100mm or longer; WA is a whole different game); you can also go much higher, but that requires nature's help - and I guess it's not easy to find cliffs next to Salt Lake (unlike Malibu;-)...
* female model looks extremely tense; doesn't help...
FWIW, your male model seems to be doing much better, but I probably shall have no say in this: I rarely shoot nude males, and when I do, I prefer not to have their private parts in the frame. Besides, guys are a bit easier in that respect: "tense" works for them...
Keep trying. Shooting nudes properly takes much more than just having a model get naked... She must be absolutely comfortable with it, and so must you. Besides, posing is so much more important, since you have no clothing to mask/help/distract.