I love 1 and 2. I'd like #1 better with that bit cropped off the bottom.
The wood texture is great and really shows off the invention.
I like the lighting. I wonder what #1 would look like with a very narrow crop so that the only bg is wood. Not sure, but it's so linear, it begs for a more linear crop. (I like geometry, so you can take that with a grain!)
I like the cropped gears photo... it might be my monitor, but some of them look a little... soft. It almost makes them look like they're moving.
I like the 2nd McCormick tractor photo done in photoshop, but it shoudn't be hard to change those to actual patent numbers, which are just seven digit numbers, usually with commas. Most of that era are the 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 series. "U.S. Pat. No. 2,432,659" or just "U.S. 2,432,659" or "Pat. 2,432,659" or, in a list like that, "2,432,659"
Sorry, I researched patents every day for four years, I'm just going to have to pick on that.
Sorry, I researched patents every day for four years, I'm just going to have to pick on that.
That's awesome! I completely pulled those numbers out of my, uh, camera bag. Nothing like the real thing. I did find, in a google search, later, the patent decal that came on these tractors (not sure which year though) and, though it is small, could probably list the actual numbers.
The wood texture is great and really shows off the invention.
I like the lighting. I wonder what #1 would look like with a very narrow crop so that the only bg is wood. Not sure, but it's so linear, it begs for a more linear crop. (I like geometry, so you can take that with a grain!)
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
It does! It spells goJogo, duh
I like it Greg! Old and rusty!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
"McCormick Patents"
Add-ons are homemade in PS. Is this OK for the challenges?
I think it's GREAT!
* I would clone out a little of the shadow underneath, where it touches the machine...
PS: I just made an old looking image too
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I like the 2nd McCormick tractor photo done in photoshop, but it shoudn't be hard to change those to actual patent numbers, which are just seven digit numbers, usually with commas. Most of that era are the 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 series. "U.S. Pat. No. 2,432,659" or just "U.S. 2,432,659" or "Pat. 2,432,659" or, in a list like that, "2,432,659"
Sorry, I researched patents every day for four years, I'm just going to have to pick on that.
That's awesome! I completely pulled those numbers out of my, uh, camera bag. Nothing like the real thing. I did find, in a google search, later, the patent decal that came on these tractors (not sure which year though) and, though it is small, could probably list the actual numbers.