DSS 61 - Invention - C&C would be great
Hi all,
I collected some items from around the house for a still life.
What do you think? What's good, what could be improved?
I collected some items from around the house for a still life.
What do you think? What's good, what could be improved?

When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
I'm old enough that I USED to know how to use a slide rule.
I'm with Chris on this, The loupe doesn't seem to fit, but maybe it is because I haven't worked with circuit boards.
Is the loupe throwing you because you weren't sure what it was for, or because it is visually unappealing?
Thanks, Mike
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I could be wrong here, but if you lose the loupe, then you might have that "golden spiral" going on
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
My Smugmug Photos
I know it's a small nit, because I really like the vibrant blue color of the blueprint. I wish they still made 'em like that. I really like the color, composition, and the apparent age of all the objects included.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I was waiting for someone to bust me on the house blueprints
My concept is the invention being worked on included a structural/mechanical component along with the electronics. You just have to not read the writing on the blueprints!
The blueprints are of my house, which was designed/built in 1952 (not by me!) and the sliderule is early 1960's, belonged to my Dad. I did know how to use it a long time ago... The circuit board is from a mid 1980's vintage minicomputer. It is the size of a coffee table top and I was explaining to my daughter that todays equivilent power probably sits on the head of a pin.