Facebook/Twitter Share Buttons
I know this has probably been covered already, but I couldn't find a straight answer in a search.
I want the facebook/twitter share buttons to show, but I don't want to have external links enabled. I know you have to have the quick share option turned on in the control panel (which I do), but if I turn off external links, the facebook/twitter buttons disappear. I do have easy sharing turned on, but don't believe this effects the quick share buttons (correct me if i'm wrong). So, must I have external links turned on in order for the quick share buttons to be visible?
I want the facebook/twitter share buttons to show, but I don't want to have external links enabled. I know you have to have the quick share option turned on in the control panel (which I do), but if I turn off external links, the facebook/twitter buttons disappear. I do have easy sharing turned on, but don't believe this effects the quick share buttons (correct me if i'm wrong). So, must I have external links turned on in order for the quick share buttons to be visible?
In order to link to a photo from outside of smug you need to enable external linking.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com