New Senior: Evan
Here's another senior that I shot just this weekend. We met Evan for an easy Saturday morning shoot at a local park in New Kensington, PA. C&C appreciated!
#1 is one take at the required headshot:






Thanks for looking!
#1 is one take at the required headshot:






Thanks for looking!
2. I like #2 just get him to lean more. Put the elbows closer to his knees. A good rule for guys is that they like to lean on something. It's more of a natural look.
3. Like the lighing and contrast adjustments but not sure of the purpose of walking. Having him jog while coming at you would cause more excitment.
4.Is too feminine of a pose. Maybe both arms on the chair back with chin resting on them and a tight crop.
5. Nice lighing and exposure. Try putting the hands into the pocket slightly or belt. The angle of the rock (lower left to upper right) would have added to the photo with him sitting on his butt resting on his elbow. Vertical lines are stagnant while horizontal lines create movement.
6. Great sky shot and exposure. Not sure of the up angle.
These are just personal opinions so take what you like and discard the rest. Nice work overall.
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I was wondering when someone was going to notice that. I saw it when I was processing these. I thought about taking it out in post, then thought maybe I was being too anal. I should probably go and fix that, though.
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