Window Open with Photo's -
I am not sure anybody can help .. but I have Photo's open on a window through a Memory Stick Device - F Drive - and I pulled the stick to go make photo's at Wal-Mart - forgot to get the stick when I left and now it may be gone.. don'e really care about the stick but the photo's are still in the window.. when I go to try to save them it says please but in stick into device.. IS THERE ANYWAY TO SAVE THEM WITH ... Thanks Joe
Have you tried saving the images to a different drive? Don't know if that will work but it's worth a try.
You will lose some pixels this way, since most DigiCams capture more than a standard screen can display.
It is also possible that the images are in a Cache somewhere. Unfortunately, Windows' search function is a bit limited. But you can find all files which have been modified during the last day. Search->Date->Modfied in the last 1 days.
Unfortunately, the results of that search will be difficult to parse. You would be looking for files in the size range your camera normally produces. But the files will probably *not* have .jpg extensions.
Like others have suggested, your best bet is to get the memory stick back. Call the store if possible.
Hope that helps...