Photo Organizing
What program do you use (and why) to do quick organizing and a quick preview of your shots when you initially upload them from the camera to the computer? I'm looking for something like Picasa, but not Picasa itself as it's creating too many problems while importing CR2 files.
Did I mention the program needs to be cheap? (i.e., free)
Did I mention the program needs to be cheap? (i.e., free)
For organizing, I always create new folders per project all dated (YY-MM-DD) so they stay in numerical order and are super easy to organize later.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
It's not free but it's very reasonably priced. It's excellent, fully color managed, and, of course, fast ;-)
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Up till a couple weeks ago, I didn't have an problems Picasa either. Imported JPG and CR2 just fine. Then I noticed that it was "automatically" converting all my CR2 images into JPG during the import. I didn't change anything on the computer during this time frame either.
Really????? I've never had that happen.
HOWEVER.. I have noticed that occasionally (like, after I've had a crash) Picasa will reset some things to the defaults even though that's not how I had it set up (in my case it's usually the "scan once" vs "scan always" setting). I'd triple check your settings to ensure that something hasn't inadvertently changed somewhere.
Yeah, those are glitches, but for free it's still a great tool and I find it often faster than LR for doing imports and quickie scans/editing.
ETA: Also, are you shooting cr2+jpg? And if so, is it showing the files side-by-side, or grouping each type together? Just trying to think of ways it could be doing what you're describing (especially in case it ever does the same to me!)
ACR is not a file-/image organizer, not even working as a previewer.