DSS #61 Remote Gimbal

How about a real invention? Yes, there are camera gimbals, but do they fit SLR cameras and remotely control pan/tilt, landscape/portrait, zoom and shutter? With an extra servo it can remotely control manual focus too. :lol3 (example, wildlife in woods). Plus, remotely push the live view button on some cameras to keep the live view feed going wirelessly to the ground. Flashes can also be mounted.

This is the ol' version 2, V3 is much more advanced and has a spherical enclosure for nasty weather, like two years ago when I shot from a mast in heavy snow fall.
This challenge gave me the extra poke in the ribs needed to finally get a good photo of it. :thumb I'm usually busy enough I forget to check in here weeks at a time... but thought I'd post it up for those that would like to comment. I only had enough time for one self portrait.

This is the ol' version 2, V3 is much more advanced and has a spherical enclosure for nasty weather, like two years ago when I shot from a mast in heavy snow fall.
This challenge gave me the extra poke in the ribs needed to finally get a good photo of it. :thumb I'm usually busy enough I forget to check in here weeks at a time... but thought I'd post it up for those that would like to comment. I only had enough time for one self portrait.
Very nice.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I'm thinkin' your ship HAS come in! (I'm assuming it is your invention?)
Soooooooooooooo. What would this sell for??
Kinda an inevitable question don'tcha think??
A tester put together this little video a while back for one of the first heli mounts.
A sample pano from my co-builder testing in Alaska a few weeks back. The plane is a team effort.
V3 of the mast mount (which I also intend to use with wildlife), No idea on the cost or ETA of final product.
There is a very small selection of manufacturers that do this, a small niche group.
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
We make a UAV called the Maveric (see my 'late entries' post...) and have a gimbaled camera payload. The thing is really small (2' wingspan), but we're always keeping an eye out for new camera payloads. We're the smallest UAV to have a gimbaled camera payload, actually.
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We've even created a computer simulator model for those that wish to fly. 6' model only.
RealFlight 4.5, 5.0 and 5.5 simulator required.
Gimbal is not shown in the sim model, but flying characteristics are the same.
Have you heard anything about HDR on a plane this size? It's something that has been brought up once or twice, but we haven't really researched it.
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Three exact images the same from a heli is near impossible while hovering, lens distortion would make it extremely hard if they were not perfect. The best way is to use a mast for HDR especially in low light. Another option is to use PTGui Pro with HDR panoramic blending capabilities, in the 'Exposure/HDR' menu select 'Enable HDR Stitching', then 'Exposure Fusion', this will keep it very real, correct lens distortion and blend multiple exposures even if not exactly the same. The photo above was stitched from about 8 different photos while flying forward and turning. As long as you've got enough altitude and are not close to any objects the process is easy.
And a sample straight from stitching with no other editing.
My apologies for the small photo... at least is doesn't have a watermark.
Rarely are there perfect natural conditions, especially while remotely shooting. You have to envision the finished photo and shoot what you need to achieve it even if only achieved in post processing. RC aircraft just make it more of a challenge, anything is possible if you put your mind to it.