how fast do you cash a check?
Possibly a silly question, but how fast do you cash a customers check? Same day if the bank is on the way home, or do you feel same day cashing is tacky? I think i read something about this a while back, but never really gave it much thought at the time. Now I usually wait till next day unless I know I wont be near a bank for a while.
And how long do you wait to know it clears before you give the customer their merchandise?
And how long do you wait to know it clears before you give the customer their merchandise?
I cash as soon as possible.....I tell clients that I will take checks from local banks only and they are cashed either that night or the next morning......
I do not wait, will not take a post dated check and charge a $50 fee on all bad checks and only present to bank 1 time...........
Ow, that must have hurt. Don't blame you for setting those policies. Tacky has nothing to do with it. We are a business. Trust me Walmart does deposits every night!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
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How in the heck do take a physical piece of paper, the check, and electrically deposit it via your phone?
You take a picture of the check (usually front and back) and the bank uses that to make the deposit from. Banks generally do this internally, you just don't realize it - they scan the check and send the scan to the originating bank rather than sending the actual paper check to the originating bank.
Scary stuff.
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Waiting for explanation
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Call me old fashioned.
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I get about 1 or 2 checks a month from various sources. Depositing by iPhone is so awesome, never have to go to the bank
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Haha the checks clear faster when I deposit them this way.... I'm not worried for my own self, I don't write checks to anyone anymore, really. I pay with online banking. Can't recall the last check I wrote myself to someone.
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Yeah, I don't think checks are used that much by individuals anymore. Businesses still use them a lot, and that's what makes the fraud even easier due to the sheer amount of transactions businesses see.
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I can't even swipe my debit/credit card at my gas-station and some other places anymore; it uses the chip-thingy now. & smugmug
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That's awesome. I pay for everything I can with a cash-card or my Amex.
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So do I. But when businesses stop allowing cash that is a scary thing.
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I know exactly how easy it is. But it always been as easy.. and no bank security is able to stop scammers once they really put a thought into the action.
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In this day of online everything and lighting fast transactions, some serious damage can be done in minutes--and the chances of getting caught are just the same as back in the day. So now that dream $10k hit can be done a lot easier than ever before with even less consequences. Too much of an invitation for criminals imo.
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A few retailers (way too few) will ask to see my ID when I swipe my credit card. I always thank them when they do. It makes fraud harder. Not impossible, just harder. Things are too easy these days.
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I worked with an anti fraud unit...
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