New hp zr24w monitor not saving calibration

I just had this monitor calibrated and the settings went back to the factory settings after I had it calibrated. I am on a new computer running Windows 7 (64bit). I can't say for sure when it went back to the factory settings, I know the computer had NOT been turned off before it reset itself, nor had the settings been touched on the monitor itself. Unfortunately I have to pay someone to come out and do the calibrations since I don't have a calibration system yet.
I must be missing something, anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? :dunno
I must be missing something, anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? :dunno
A few questions to clarify what you are seeing there. I'm trying to determine if your change is on the monitors' OSD or is being driven by the calibrators' custom ICC profile not being loaded by the Windoze7 Color Management utility. I'm thinking some other software you installed may have reset and applied a different ICC profile.
Do you use Adobe Photoshop CS3/4/5 and have recently changed a setting in the color management module? How about other editing software - installed something new or changed some color management settings?
In this next review I see that the monitor offers limited choices for color in the OSD.
Scroll down to the section that starts "The OSD menu is fairly extensive". There is an image above this text that shows the OSD menu.
When using a calibrator you should have the "Custom Color" option selected. Is this what yours shows?
So if this is right, can you confirm that in your Windows Color Management utility that the ICC profile from your recent calibration is being shown as default for your monitor?
What calibrator was used to calibrate it?
FYI... Windows Vista has an issue where if the PC is shut down at night using "sleep" mode, in the morning when awoken it will not load the ICC profile. When this happens people use a utility provided with the calibrator to force the ICC profile to load.
According to this, Win7 has the same issue.
My SmugMug
is it a good one ?
i was going to buy this one next weekend
You haven't answered my questions so I have no idea what the issue is.
What is the default? Is it 6500K-sRGB or is it Custom Color ?????
If the monitor was calibrated using an Xrite i1 Display2 or a Colorvision Spyder the monitor color mode should have been set to "Custom Color". Is that where it is or what??
Are you able to see that the new ICC profile created by the calibrator in your Windows Color Management utility?
Yes it is as long as a standard sRGB color space is adequate for you.
If you do any editing in the AdobeRGB or ProPhotoRGB color spaces then this monitor is NOT for you.
BTW, this is one of the best monitors for the money can buy.
Sorry about that I should have been more clear... I did not ask what calibrator he uses, we did set the monitor to Custom Color in fact I have done that several times. When I turned on the computer this evening the "COLOR" is set to 6500k-sRGB, because it will not stay on Custom Color. I also have to turn down the brightness (from 90 to 18) every time I turn on the monitor because it is just WAY to bright to work on. Here are the screen shots of my Color Management, hope I got all the important ones. Hope this makes more sense. I appreciate the help!
I'm sure it is Windows resetting the monitor settings, real hassle, awesome monitor otherwise!!!
I think so! I did a lot of research and this fit my needs the best. I think Dell has one comparable but it had some extra features I felt I didn't need. I bought mine on Amazon and saved some money too.
I don't think so. I don't believe Windows is capable of communicating back to the monitor and changing the configuration. I think you have an issue with the firmware of the monitor that keeps resetting to factory default.
It should definitely stay on Custom Color.
The Windows Color Management is correctly set-up.
You should contact HP Support immediately and be prepared to return this unit for a new one.
I believe this is because of the HP drivers and Windows getting confused. Try uninstalling the monitor drivers and just use the DVI port
I believe some monitors can be controlled from the OS via display port
Some are but I've always had to use a manufacturer supplied utility to do it. I suppose something in Windows could have gone rogue.
I uninstalled and re-installed the Driver software this morning and the settings on the monitor did not change after doing a restart, I think that may have fixed my problem!!!
Still wondering if I am actually seeing what I should be seeing as far as color and brightness, still seems a little bright to me. Any way to tell if the brightness is correct? I know that I should now be seeing the calibration but just want to make sure.
I did look at the HP Display Assistant and my brightness actually looked perfect it was the contrast that seemed a little off. Is it safe to change that a little with the monitor being calibrated?
When I did the uninstall I got an error message, I don't believe the Driver software was ever installed on the computer to begin with, that has probably been my problem all along!
Who ever did your calibration should have advised a target "white luminance" value. Did you get a report of that your targets were?
6500K Temperature
2.2 Gamma
120 cd/m2 white luminance
Here's a web site that you can use for a visual check. This is a very rough way to check things but the "Sharpness" page is certainly useful as that is one function the hardware calibrators don't check.
I have a ZR24w, I am really pleased with it. I had the same issue with the settings being reset each time I started up. The solution is to use the HP Display Assistant, enter your settings there and they "stick".
I have my guy coming out tomorrow to recalibrate the monitor for me. Can't wait to have this all situated so I can get back to editing photos with confidence.
I too am quite pleased with this monitor!! The display is outstanding!! Can't believe how much more beautiful photos are on it! I do now see that installing the driver was the fix. I think I had so much going on with switching everything over from my old computer that installing that was missed.
Thanks for that link, it is very helpful. I do worry that my photos are displaying a different sharpness on the screen that how they are going to print. Good to be able to check that!
i adjusted it with both OSD and nvidia panels
none of them has changed after shut down [ several times ]
i did not installed any HP-software , and not going to do that either
only sensible i can say
dont forget to select save after each adjustment
( i use windows7 64bit )
Last time I checked, the HP software causes the problems. I never installed them, and never had any problems.