Trouble logging in with Chrome
I use two Pro accounts(one mine, and one for a client), and need to switch back and forth between them. I recently changed to Google Chrome, and I am having trouble with the format of the log-in page. SmugMug's log-in page uses white type on a charcoal field. But Google Chrome's autofill colors the "autofilled" fields yellow, making the white type unreadable.
I guess I could get rid of autofill, but it's a whole lot easier.
I really with SM would make it easier to toggle between two logged-in accounts. But in the meantime, anything we can do to fix the problem with the log-in screen on Chrome?
I guess I could get rid of autofill, but it's a whole lot easier.
I really with SM would make it easier to toggle between two logged-in accounts. But in the meantime, anything we can do to fix the problem with the log-in screen on Chrome?
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As to using two browsers, I understand that option, I just don't prefer it.
Are you using an extension of some kind? I have autofill on and can't see any yellow...
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I haven't posted much here (if at all), but I've been meaning to post this, so I'll reply to this thread. I see the same issue, and the last time it happened I took a screengrab:
--Erik Bailey
Is this from an extension or addon?
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I don't have any add-ons in my version of Chrome. I just downloaded and installed it the other day and haven't doen anything to it. I see what the poster above posted in their screengrab.
Thanks for checking it out.
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I don't know how to get it , but I aso have it on the log-in for this forum. But since their for is black type on a white background, it's not a problem.
Why not just go back to a white background with black type on the log-in fields, instead of going for the stylish white-on-black look? Just as we have for this forum. Not as sexy, but it solves the problem.
I don't know either. I was on Chrome 6, and just upgraded to 7, and the problem still exists. I am on Win 7 64-bit if that's at all relevant. My Chrome options are pretty much all enabled, and AutoFill is checked.
I'll say that I am definitely not a fan of this new login page. There wasn't anything wrong with the old one. Additional issues I note:
1) It sometimes seems to have a "delay" in pre-filling my info. I sometimes think it isn't going to, and end up typing right in the middle of the pre-fill - I think this may be related to the facebook auto-sign in
2) It is almost impossible to "opt out" of the Facebook auto-sign in - once you have it set, I had to wipe out all my cookies to unset it - I've turned this off
Count me in favor of simplification and something more like the old one... --Erik