
Disguise. Now who could not love a theme such as this? Certainly not me! A perfect time to play dress-up or Make-up or what have you. If only I had a pig...She would look so lovely!
As it stands, My Son decided to come for a visit and here are a few of the photos from today/yesterday.
I really want to be on theme. As I ask for criticism, please keep in mind the theme and help me decide how near to it I am. I think it is one of my personal biggest issues!
thanks in advance!! All criticism and comments welcomed!



I guess there is no telling where I'll end up or what I'll end up with in this theme. Reveal/Disguise...nice one!
As it stands, My Son decided to come for a visit and here are a few of the photos from today/yesterday.
I really want to be on theme. As I ask for criticism, please keep in mind the theme and help me decide how near to it I am. I think it is one of my personal biggest issues!
thanks in advance!! All criticism and comments welcomed!



I guess there is no telling where I'll end up or what I'll end up with in this theme. Reveal/Disguise...nice one!
tom wise
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Thanks for the compliments too! Mostly just exploring the thematic concept. I have room to explore more if I find need or inspiration.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
#2 is a WOW for me.
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Or, it could also be the fact that it was very foggy and cold and reflected well into the scene!
Thanks Jenn, Sandi, Froch, Tatiana, Pemmet, Kate and WHatSheSaw for taking the time to comment! Your expert eyes are a gift!
Great work Tom
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Yes. I think it needs more cover or leaves too. I tried a bit of play with it yesterday but couldn't find anything worth doing ......yet!
I am fairly adept at my portraits, but taking him into the woods and trying to cloak him with the foliage and light him appropriately was a lesson in patience!
I am still looking for a stronger photo....we'll see if that happens.