Lens hood adaptor
I recently purchased a used Tokina 12-24, but it came without a hood. I've been trying for weeks to find a replacement hood, designated a BH-777, without success. I got a hood for the Nikon 12-24 hoping it would fit but it is too small. Does nayone know of a way to adapt that Nikon hood to the Tokina. Or should I even worry about it and just keep shooting without a hood?
There are numerous filter-thread hoods out there that might work without vignetting at the wide setting, but e-bay lists your original hood .. at US$54 if you feel you need one that badly.
While I prefer to use lens hoods (more often than not for lens protection use), with just a little bit of planning you can often avoid the "need" for one.
FWIW, I think it is downright theivery and gross profiteering to charge as much as name-brands do for 5 cents worth of molded plastic (and which for Canon and Nikon lenses can be ordered from third-party vendors for under $10, often under $5, international shipping included).
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
I agree on the thievery. if I'm not mistaken, the eBay offer is either from Taiwan or Australia so would have to figure in a hefty shipping prices as well. I can't understand why Tokina doesn't offer this product to the US market; while searching I ran across numerous photographers asking the same question: Where to find the hood.
I don't think it's worth $54 + shipping. As you say, planning may be paramount. As for protection, I currently am using a relatively inexpensive filter which I can remove while shooting since lens caps tend to disappear.
I appreciate your response.
There is also this site.......... http://www.lenshoods.co.uk/
Many thanks, Art. I saw those listings earlier but I refuse to pay $38 - $54 for a lens hood, especially when they're coming from Taiwan. The UK site is fascinating; what an unusual concept: print the diagram on heavy paper, then cut it out. I'm going to have to try that.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
You're right. I think about that and then I think about the price and I think I'm being ripped off. Why hasn't Tokina or a third party jumped in to manufacture enough hoods to meet demand? I mean $54 for a plastic hood? Available only abroad? Just doesn't sound right.
I think it is worth it; all my lenses have hoods, I rarely shoot without them.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
That hood is the BH779; the hood for the 12-24 is BH777. I suspect the 779 is for the 11-16.
The only listings i can find for the 777 are in Taiwan or Australia. Very frustrating.
Google for the 779 and you can find other people using it on your lens. Maybe it just a new version of the 777?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I'll give it a shot. What the heck, i can always return it. Thanks four help. I'll let you know.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
That's interesting. I earlier bought a Nikon 77mm hood figuring 77mm was 77mm. But it doesn't fit the Tokina. Too small.
There is one on there for $11.00 +free shipping & and 1 for $7.95 + FREE shipping.......my last several lens hoods came from china and I paid from $5.99 to $12.00 all with free shipping......
77MM is normally thread size of the filter threads.....since most lens hoods are over lens connections then depending on how thick the lens barrel is can make a big difference..............
Thanks, Art. I'm constantly amazed by how much I don't know.