Something a little different
Different from my usual style, that is!!!
All that talk about HK got me itching to try some, and since we needed to do a dry run on Mini-D's Diva-a-Gaga Halloween costume, I thought why not. The frustrations of attempting HK with only 2 flashes in a too-small space continue, but at least I remembered to flag the bg light this time (SCORE!). In fact, if I'd been shooting for these crops it would have been easy, but I was trying for full length and 3/4 - sadly, none of those are that good so none to share, but these were kind of fun.
Oh, and parents, this is what happens when they outgrow the cute little pumpkin costumes and Disney Princesses. EEEK!! Where'd my baby go?!?!??! :yikes (NB: if anybody thinks these are a bit, uh, much for a 12 year old and I should pull them, tell me. Photographer I may be, but I'm a mommy first and foremost . I swear that there were plenty of goofy shots in between her doing her best Lady Gaga impersonations!!!)
1. All about the eyelashes I think this one's my favorite of the shoot
3. I know I blew the highlights on this, but I still kinda like it - I'm still working on versions which recover more detail in the hair
All that talk about HK got me itching to try some, and since we needed to do a dry run on Mini-D's Diva-a-Gaga Halloween costume, I thought why not. The frustrations of attempting HK with only 2 flashes in a too-small space continue, but at least I remembered to flag the bg light this time (SCORE!). In fact, if I'd been shooting for these crops it would have been easy, but I was trying for full length and 3/4 - sadly, none of those are that good so none to share, but these were kind of fun.
Oh, and parents, this is what happens when they outgrow the cute little pumpkin costumes and Disney Princesses. EEEK!! Where'd my baby go?!?!??! :yikes (NB: if anybody thinks these are a bit, uh, much for a 12 year old and I should pull them, tell me. Photographer I may be, but I'm a mommy first and foremost . I swear that there were plenty of goofy shots in between her doing her best Lady Gaga impersonations!!!)
1. All about the eyelashes I think this one's my favorite of the shoot
3. I know I blew the highlights on this, but I still kinda like it - I'm still working on versions which recover more detail in the hair
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I will pray for you.:D
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
12 yrs old you say...quick math puts me at 8 1/2 more years...oy vey.
It is a great way for mother and daughter to incorporate their interests. And a very safe way for lil diva to experiment and lucky YOU she feels good about expressing herself with you!!! I believe giving kids some freedom will help prevent them from going off the deep end when they get to college and going nuts! My girls agree!!
We did have fun figuring out the makeup - she wasn't really completely "into" modeling today (not helped because I was struggling with my lights and getting frustrated that I couldn't concentrate on directing/posing because of tech difficulties elsewhere), but it was still fun and I'm so pleased to have the shots of her. She's pretty much over the whole "sitting for mom" thing, so I have to pick my occasions wisely and make sure there's something in it for her too
Yes, Trudy, Lady G is quite Madonna-esque (although if I say that, I'm just SOOOOO out of date MOOOOOOMMMMMM. I mean really - 1980s? Might as well be prehistoric )
And... despite the seriously, seriously blown highlights, I love the goofiness of this, and those incredible anime eyes she has . I know - it's useless as a "real" photo, but I love it as a mom!! Big sigh - this shoot is worst I've ever done with highlights although I'll take it as a good lesson in greater caution in case I'm ever presented with shiny blonde hair in a more critical shoot!!!!
Yeah, HK gets trickier when you have to incorporate more and more stuff closer to the ground. Knowing that simple fact can save you a lot of frustration.
I guess you've learned it the hard way by now
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Is it only me, or do other people dream of building "garages" that are actually studios in disguise?! (We have enough *land* in our yard - in fact, apparently there was a garage out in the back many years ago, long since fallen down! - we just don't have the money to do anything about it!!!)
That, or you can go with an Inflatable Photographic Studio:
(thanks to David TO who originally let me know about it)
DO you use a Mirror for her? Sometimes using a mirror helps them see themselves, their poses and you can also ask them to play to the mirror while you shoot.
I rather like GAGA, and I haven't ever heard the girl speak or seen her. But I have read about her and heard her words and like what I hear.
As far as the space in the yard Best thing I can tell ya, is to keep your eyes open for an old house someone is tearing down to make way for a NEW house. Haul off the remnants for your house!
Shooting in general in such a small space is is tuff-Stuff! You do it well!
Nice to See the Mini-D doing her thang!