Are passwords revealed in gallery source code?
Hey all, I was looking at the source code for one my client gallery pages and noticed a line about halfway down the code page referring to the slideshow button where both the gallery password and the password I use to secure my SmugMug homepage is revealed. It looks something like this:
// Slideshow button
SM.buttons.slideshowButton = new SM.buttons.slideshow('altViews','slideshowButton',{"slideshowDiv":"fsssButton","flashVars":{"albumPass":"XXXXXX","sitePass":"XXXXXX"},"galleryInfo":{"galleryType":"Album","userNickName":"XXXXXX","albumId":14380558,"albumKey":"BcwzQ"}});
The Xs are the different passwords and my account name. BTW, I don't have a slideshow button enabled on my page (or at least one I can see). Does anyone else have this problem? I'd be pretty upset if one of my clients was able to see my password and look at other client galleries.
// Slideshow button
SM.buttons.slideshowButton = new SM.buttons.slideshow('altViews','slideshowButton',{"slideshowDiv":"fsssButton","flashVars":{"albumPass":"XXXXXX","sitePass":"XXXXXX"},"galleryInfo":{"galleryType":"Album","userNickName":"XXXXXX","albumId":14380558,"albumKey":"BcwzQ"}});
The Xs are the different passwords and my account name. BTW, I don't have a slideshow button enabled on my page (or at least one I can see). Does anyone else have this problem? I'd be pretty upset if one of my clients was able to see my password and look at other client galleries.
On the other hand, it isn't really a full-on security breach because you can't get to this page without already knowing the password. So, it isn't revealing anything that you didn't already know in order to get there.
But, it seems like a poor design to put a password in the actual source of the page. That means it's sitting around in browser caches too where others could snoop on it.
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It is a breach because for my SmugMug homepage I have one password (so clients can't browse or see other galleries) and each of the individual galleries has its own password. Both passwords are revealed in my case.
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Simple, if you go to (my SmugMug page), you will be asked for a password before entering the main gallery page. From there, each of the individual galleries have their own password. But if I link clients to their specific gallery only, they will only need to enter that gallery's password. If they decide to go to the root of the site (the .net), they'll be asked for my main password. Unfortunately, the source reveals both passwords.
You should report this issue in the bug reporting forum.
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No need. We're looking at this right now.
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It's a bug - been fixed internally this morning and we'll get it on the live site as fast as we humanly can, thanks!
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