Replies to Threads

I just wanted to ask the Q. Why don't people reply to more threads?
Does anyone else find this site a little slow in this respect?
Now I am not just saying this because I may have an odd thread floating somewhere without reply. :rofl But it annoys me a little to see a thread may have been viewed 50 times and gets no reply. Especially in the shots section. I spent some time going through pages yesterday and posted a few replies to some 0 replies just to get them going.
By not doing so is not going to encourage the newbies (one myself) and won't really encourage the lurkers to de-lurk either.
Or is the whole thing just me? (it's a possibility!)
Do we have too many lurkers or too many lazy grinners? Is there favoritism to some posters and not so to others? it seems, especially on the challenge section that some threads go completely un noticed and others get lots of advice.
Could it be down to the amount of members signed up? (by the way how old is this site????) As when comparing it to other similar sites, the pace seems to move a little faster on them, however, these comparisons do seem to have more members.
Now, i don't want to come across all ungrateful or to upset anyone here, but it would be nice to see a little more activity on some threads. Am i the only one who thinks this way?
(now don't all rush at once to reply! ha. :rofl Truthfully I do like this site a lot.)
Does anyone else find this site a little slow in this respect?
Now I am not just saying this because I may have an odd thread floating somewhere without reply. :rofl But it annoys me a little to see a thread may have been viewed 50 times and gets no reply. Especially in the shots section. I spent some time going through pages yesterday and posted a few replies to some 0 replies just to get them going.
By not doing so is not going to encourage the newbies (one myself) and won't really encourage the lurkers to de-lurk either.
Or is the whole thing just me? (it's a possibility!)
Do we have too many lurkers or too many lazy grinners? Is there favoritism to some posters and not so to others? it seems, especially on the challenge section that some threads go completely un noticed and others get lots of advice.
Could it be down to the amount of members signed up? (by the way how old is this site????) As when comparing it to other similar sites, the pace seems to move a little faster on them, however, these comparisons do seem to have more members.
Now, i don't want to come across all ungrateful or to upset anyone here, but it would be nice to see a little more activity on some threads. Am i the only one who thinks this way?
(now don't all rush at once to reply! ha. :rofl Truthfully I do like this site a lot.)
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I'm sure some people just like to look and don't care to comment. Some may just not want to comment because they may feel that their comments won't be taken well or that they feel they don't have enough experience to add anything. It's hard to say, but I know I'm pleased to have become a Smugmug member and look forward to the overall experience.
Have a great day!
Now there's a smart one word answer.
Thanks for the link Andy.
I see your point, but consider the different levels of expectations and skill levels from people who are drawn to this site. There seems to be a wealth of expertise, but encouragement costs nothing but a few strains of finger muscle and the odd smiley.
I do glance through a lot of threads here and if I see something that pops I will do a little (cheer leading)
I try to vote in every challange even though I dont follow that much.
My one gripe is that when a person gets a reply, they take the time to thank each and every poster causing it to go to the top for what seems forever
Just my nickels worth
I do love you guys though:D
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I'm not trying to be difficult. Your points are well taken.
approximation to the complete truth..."
-- Richard Feynman (1918-1988)
My Galleries
I am trying now, or was, to respond individually, but I just don't take the time. It can help keep a photo high. And it makes the responder feel good, especially if it is a "name" poster. I tend to do group thanks a lot.
In fact, I had one that had sunk to the second page, I responded because it was important that I do, though I really was not doing it to bump it, not my intention, just a side effect. I was responding to someone who does not usually do nature, I just thought she had been so nice I should acknowledge it.
It got new life and went on to be commented on by lots of people who would not have seen it otherwise.
I don't have a solution.
I guess there are solutions to what you mentioned as well. If an older thread is replied to, it could be marked in some distinctive way, such as a special icon.
I find it more natural for the chronology to work by the original post. It actually took me a while to get used to the fact that older threads keep popping as new ones every time they are replied.
approximation to the complete truth..."
-- Richard Feynman (1918-1988)
My Galleries
It would be nice to set the poll up as a 1-5 star rating system and have those who don't like to post comments easily rate your pic to give you an overall idea on how it's viewed subjectively.
You can also add in each thread with a poll a request that anyone giving less than 3 stars to please state what they don't like and would change about the shot.
The Critique forum is nice, but it's limited to one thread per person a week and it serves a different pupose, full critique, where a poll function will give quick anonymous feedback.
So please, please please, give us this feature, or at least a reason why we can't have it.
you can already set a poll on your thread.
you can also rate threads, 1-5 stars
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Just let the forum know reply if you want, don't reply if you don't want to.....put the extra effort in your photo/art/life work and all will be well, honest
Don't get me wrong, I think everyone here has a validate point and that's my point this could go on infinitum.
Ok you can all tear me up now, I gotta go shot some pictures :lol4, see ya all in bit.
My Galleries
I finally scrolled down more and found it.
I'm used to most other boards that have, new thread or new poll, as the options.
I will incorporate more often now. I hope it helps to get a trend going.
Like you I can't understand how pic threads can get 50 or more views, yet no one takes the time to comment
When I do visit, I look for those threads where there hasn't been many repsonses and post to them. Worse case it bumps them up the forum
IMO, the only way this is going to get better (not that it will ever please everyone) is when we get more contributing members. Even though Dgrin is up to around 4500 members, only a few hundred have ever posted in the forums
I guess all we can do, for now, is to continue to do all we can
So, I have not been looking at the nature thread much, a bit, but not much. And when I have looked, I have only had a chance to respond to a couple of people.
I am allowing all my contacts and good will to slip away. When I start with the shooting again, I will be lucky to get one look. Or maybe looks, but responses will be few.
The more one responds, the more one gets responded to, in general.
Suck up, people, suck up! Kiss *##.
Works, but i am tired, and that word assoc is so much fun right now.
Hi All,
Since I am one of the people who has greatly cut down on responding due to a physical problem and the very limited time I can be at the keyboard; I have many times wished that there was a more automate, generic way to respond to let folks know I viewed their photo..that I liked it..good job..with the option to comment if I want to. Typically I post a shot in a particular forum because I am pleased with how it came out, and the theme of the shot fits into the themed I am sharing a common interest.
How would it be received if I were to use a created my signature..
like this:
"I like it!
This way I could let a person know that I viewed their work, I can use a mouse click instead of keybord...saves lots of time..and leaves me more keyboard time to respond a bit more in depth when I am moved to do so.
Would you be offended or pleased by this response
I know that is what I am getting a lot of the time anyway. And it is what I am giving a lot of the time.
I just am happy I did/was there/whatever, and I want to share the perfect/imperfect/experience with others. Your response would be very good with that. Better than being ignored. I don't mind the "nice photo" responses, as much as I do the "it would have been nice if..........". All I am doing is sharing.
Now if I ask you a question, that is different. I still would not mind the thumbs up, if that is all you have time for. But if someone has time to answer the question, I can take the criticism on that aspect of the photo fine. Otherwise, your thumbs up would work fine.
(On the photo of Bill in the people thread, I don't want anyone to think I minded constructive criticism on that: I knew I had messed up and kind of implied it. One of these fine days I will try to fix it.)
But an auto thumbs up would be fine with me, Trish.
(How do you do that???? I would set mine, too. MY PC, I mean.)
Hey, don't you all find a thumbs down icon and add it to the mix, smile.
Thanks Steve, I think you are probably right. The site will constantly improve with maturity.
I do sometimes look out for the threads that got away and sometimes try to breath a little life back into them. Do we have a feature on the site (a linky) where it would bring up threads without reply?
Possibly a Quick reply function at the end of the thread would encourage some people further. Just a thought, i have seen these on some other VBulletin forums.
Trish, I think your idea would be good too.
Nah, you have lots of credits in reserve. We still love ya. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Just want to say even tho I am new here, I have belonged to a couple of other forums & this very same thing was discussed. So it seems inevitable that it's going to happen, especially when there are so many members. One way that was suggested to help the newbies feel more comfortable was that the regulars, who were interested & had the extra time, included a short note in their sigs that said they would be happy to help any newbies with questions or situations via pm's. It isn't as daunting to ask something you might think would sound stupid to others in private, than to have no one reply & make you feel REALLY silly & then you probably would be too shy to post again.
As far as people viewing but not replying, it is possible that nobody is interested enough to make a comment, or they may be pressed for time & trying to at least read all the new posts from a couple of days, which does take quite a bit of time. I have been here since about 9am & have been trying to see & read as many recent posts as possible but it is already 9pm & I have only posted twice! So, people need to realize that they aren't the only ones posting, & shouldn't be offended if there isnt a response right away, or at all.
Possibly a disclaimer with a permanent sticky welcoming newcomers as the first thread, to not feel bad if they aren't replied to right away....
Something I was quite a bit surprised about this forum is that there isn't a permanent thread for newbies to post a hello to introduce themselves, with a little background if they want to share. Sort of like a casual pub(The Dirty Grin Pub) or coffee house where the topic is not just photography techniques or critiques. It's a great icebreaker, & helps everyone loosen up & get to know each other a little better, besides just the oldies(figuratively speaking of course!) who have been around & aren't as shy.
Oh, & also, I haven't found a general 'Suggestion' box either.
(just a suggestion, of course
(hope I haven't been too ballsy for being just a newbie.... :sweet )
~Life is a journey, enjoy the ride... YEEEEEHAW!!!
(don't forget your camera!)~
take a look here please we have all the intro-to-dgrin stuff as a sticky right here in this forum... i also put that link in my sig.
love your suggestion about the suggestion box, i'll make one up right now
okay, here it is, the dgrin suggestion box
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Am I being a pain in the :moon (buttocks) ? Am I :deadhorse ?
Sorry if I am being annoying, I am not trying to tell you how to run your forum, these really were all just things that pooped into my head as I was feeling my way around. :lurk
I guess maybe I should post a poll to see if any other people felt a bit lost in cyberspace when they first came here, & then that would give you a better idea of whether it's just me or if it is or has affected other peeps.
In my own defense tho, let me just say I DID read the rules & terms
And finally, Thank you for adding the suggestion box, I hope it will prove to be useful to the admins....and yes, I will be posting there soon!
Have a great day & Thanx again!
~Life is a journey, enjoy the ride... YEEEEEHAW!!!
(don't forget your camera!)~