can anyone decipher these results?

hook78chook78c Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
edited October 27, 2010 in Technique
I tested out my 50d and Rebel Xti with the focus chart. I have been having problems with backfocusing(I think). Anyway here are the results with both lenses/cameras. I followed the directions, tripod, getting close, flash, set to lowest Aperture (1.8).
I don't really see where either one is clearly focused on the text. The Rebel actually looks better than the 50d but neither look like the clear examples shown in the test data.
Does anyone see anything here that might help me figure out what the heck is going on.
the first is the rebel, second 50d.
THANKS so much for your help.


  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2010
    If you post some test images maybe some one can give you an opinion.

  • hook78chook78c Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited October 27, 2010
    thanks sam didn't realize the link wasn't working! i fixed it. also once you get in the gallery check out the photo of the two girls and two asian boys. it goes inline with the focus issues i am having. this photo was taken at av 6.3, shutter 320 iso 400. i KNOW i focused on the big girls eye and was using a 50mm 1.8 so there should be no shaking from the long lens. why am i still not getting sharp results? none of the kids are sharp! do you see any back focusing? is the house a little sharper behind? i can't really tell.
    someone else mentioned that unlike closeups you can't expect the kind of sharp, clear shots with group photos. is this true? something about there are only so many pixels to go around.
    this is confusing to me. just trying to figure out if i need to send this brand new 50d back to Canon.
  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2010
    Ok, I have a few questions: What angle was the ruler test image shot at? Did you shot RAW, or jpg? Did you use mirror lock up? What kind of processing was done? It looks like the test image wasn't shot straight on.

    Also remember the 50mm 1.8 isn't all that sharp wide open.

  • hook78chook78c Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited October 27, 2010
    Hi Sam,
    I had the camera on tripod, 45 degree angle as they stated, shot jpg, don't know what mirror lockup is! no processing SOCC.
    the instructions said to use the smallest aperture on the lens which is why i went with the 1.8. I will dig up the others I used my 28-135mm too which only stops down to 3.5 let me find it.thanks!
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