How many photos on your site?
Just wondering how many photos people have on their sites, what's the max number people have. Is there an optimum amount that can function efficiently without everything slowing down? Is there an advisable max number in individual galleries to run the slideshow efficiently? Would I be advised splitting up galleries that contain a few hundred photos for example. I ask as although I have only been a member just over a year, I have in excess of 5,000 photos (all jpegs around 100kb) and at times I find things quite slow, galleries taking some time to load. I realise that at times my connection can be a bit slow, so interested to see what numbers people operate without any detrimental effect.
As far as I can tell, the amount of photos you have in a gallery doesn't slow things down at all. Okay, well, perhaps if you had two photos and you uploaded fifteen more, it would open a bit slower. But other than that YOUR connection will determine the speed with which SM pages open. Also most browser cache pages that you visit to open them faster the next time, so you have to clear your cache between visits to check the speed.
I have a tic over 4k photos and an incredibly lame connection and it loads...slowish due my incredibly lame connection! When I lived in the City with a >10mbps connection it was very fast and efficient.
Yes. The Slide-show will slow things up a bit as will a large banner, as will many things...but connection is a true component of the equation. Check it!
I have about 43,000 photos on my site and many hundreds of galleries. Those individual sizes range anywhere from 500k to 20mb with most of my regular image sizes being around 2-3mb on average. Performance is never an issue.
Your site seems fine to me with regards to the speed of the slideshow and gallery loading. Nice images btw.
Thanks again.
Now, what I do find will take time is your gallery listing if you have a lot of galleries. I try to keep the number of galleries in a category under a hundred if you want it to load quickly. In one category where I have most of my galleries, I have to wait minutes for it to load almost killing my browser. Luckily I never look at that category directly nor do my visitors.
Oh, and a lot of galleries will make the gallery pull down menus useless. I can't upload to an existing gallery by choosing it from the list or check stats on a gallery that has to be chosen from the list.
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