A Way to Quickly Compare Galleries?

So here's my dilemma. I have three galleries, each containing a subset of the images in the previous gallery. For example, Gallery 1 has 250 image, Gallery 2 has 200, and Gallery 3 has 100. I accomplish this by uploading all images to each gallery and hiding the appropriate ones. I would use the collect photos feature, but the last time I tried it, it was a really big issue when the hide marks didn't stay with the appropriate galleries.
So my question is, is there a quick and easy way to see if there's an image in gallery 3 that's not in gallery 2. After I sync'd gallery 3's hide marks to match gallery 2 (and the same for gallery 1 and gallery 2), I checked them to make sure both gallieries had the same number of images public, so they were essentially the same. I'd like to double check this by making sure an image that's in gallery 3 doesn't appear in gallery 2 or gallery 1, and the same for images in gallery 2 not being in gallery 1.
But the problem is I can't figure out any quick way to do this other than just going through both galleries side-by-side and manually checking. If I could get a file listing from each gallery of the images that are public, I could quickly use a text file comparison, but I can't do that without writing some code and using the API. I've even thought about downloading the images, but with the SM file numbering, each file has a different name even if the file is the same.
Any suggestions?
So my question is, is there a quick and easy way to see if there's an image in gallery 3 that's not in gallery 2. After I sync'd gallery 3's hide marks to match gallery 2 (and the same for gallery 1 and gallery 2), I checked them to make sure both gallieries had the same number of images public, so they were essentially the same. I'd like to double check this by making sure an image that's in gallery 3 doesn't appear in gallery 2 or gallery 1, and the same for images in gallery 2 not being in gallery 1.
But the problem is I can't figure out any quick way to do this other than just going through both galleries side-by-side and manually checking. If I could get a file listing from each gallery of the images that are public, I could quickly use a text file comparison, but I can't do that without writing some code and using the API. I've even thought about downloading the images, but with the SM file numbering, each file has a different name even if the file is the same.
Any suggestions?
Pictures and Videos of the Huntsville Car Scene: www.huntsvillecarscene.com
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