Egrets, please look

Below, I just ran out of titles, will get one and make a poster: later.........

Below is the blk and white one in color. I always work up my blk and white shots in color before I convert them.

It was a gray rainy day, but I took my camera and went to Shem Creek anyway. I used my car for cover when the rain got harder.
I wanted to show some of the photos, but I decided to work them up with CS2, in the same careful way I have been working up my other shots the last week or so. There are tools there that I think help me, along with Rutt's suggestion to use the black channel of CMYK.
The problem with "tools" is they give one choices, smile. I may have worked these up with a heavier hand than I did others, I won't know until tomorrow or so, after I have looked at them.
If you want, you can get out your eyedroppers. The photos started out fine in the bridge area of CS2, then blown areas started to appear after a little work with them. I changed the setting for exposure in the bridge, did it manually and darker. I hope there are not many blown areas. I did want to let you know that I am aware of that problem, however, I like the photos anyway.
Comments are welcome. Some of you have seen my other shots this week. I did try to use as much of the "negative" as possible, which made all except one full frame (I had to straighten the flight one a tad.)
I am not going to be able to get closer to the birds anytime soon. However, I have not been close to lots of things, like that girl and gotten better results, so I am trying here.
Thanks for looking,
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
ginger (finally getting some good people shots, smile.)
thanks, Jeff.
I am exhausted.
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Shame that pole is there on No.2, first impresion was he's walking into it.
The BIF is great, maybe alittle too centered though.
Very nice set.
Edit: I relooked at No.2, poor guy hung up on pole. Could name picture "Obstruction".
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the background and everything just all fits, well done
On the egrets I'd give a tad more negative EV adjustment next time you get a chance, JMHO ya know
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Oh....and Ginger.....tell the egret to flight straight. We'll have no unlevel flyers in this group.
"Osprey Whisperer"
It is not a large place, but it is close to me, and can be good shooting. Even though the only birds there were egrets, and one stork.
Perhaps you can "hear" what their complaints are, and some arrangements can be made for me to continue to shoot there.
Bill won't do it: he says they don't want me there, it is that simple. I think there can always be "arrangements".
I understand from the paper that the shrimpers are in even worse danger of going out of business because of the NO disaster. I am not sure of why, other than the price of gas.
I have been thinking I should buy shrimp every time I go there, but I don't spend anything at all on food, have not had a steak for over a yr, don't cook, eat ice cream and peanut butter. What would I do with shrimp???? I would have to buy a cooker. And I would have to buy all the stuff to make the sauce. And we would have to have shrimp every day. Also, it could be quite expensive. I used to cook crabs, and they are delicious, but I just couldn't bring myself to do that anymore. But one, they need to stay in business, and two, I think I need to show "good faith".
Also, I have been banned from the docks for insurance reasons. I don't know how we could get around that.
But come on down, Dixie, you could probably get great photos!!
Re centering. I was careful to make sure the bird was not centered, more room in front than in back, but it does look centered.
I went one more place, damn birds, two, flew away, I got them in flight. Plan to work them up, good flight shots. What do you all suggest re centering when I have a choice. Sometimes I don't.
birdman, funny how different people like different things. I do like the out of focus bird in the first photo, smile. Nice there are so many people, to like many different things, smile.
Thanks all for stopping and commenting!
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
and this:
I'm thinking that not every photo is better as a poster with a title, though I do belive in the power of titles to enhance images. On the other hand, a trite title can be just distracting and detract from the image. So I don't particularly like the titles "Pole Position" or "Gone Fishing" for these shots. But I do like the more factual and less "cute" "Shrimp Boat Dock..."
Yeah, I know, on the blk and white one, I was thinking today that it could be, "It is all about the food".
Actually those titles are going to be better and worse depending on my fatigue level, etc. I do like the posters. The one with the man, I could not think of anything for the life of me which is why I guess it isn't trite. I even did something wrong in making the posters, worked out well, they didn't take up as much space.
By the time I got to the last one, I was not going to just put "flight" or "fly by", or lift off (more accurate), I just collapsed, and put it up as is. In fact one of those does not even have the white around it.
In most cases, the title would be my "gallery name" whatever that is. And the others would be untitle. In a book of the finest paper, of course.
The 1st one looks great in B&W (why haven't I ever thought of B&W egrets? I, like many others, just love the old man walking. Nice composition and an interesting subject.
Your other shots are super too
Good job shooting and processing these
I know I'd be jumpin for joy after a day of shooting like yours
Thanks, Steve, I was just tickled, uh, pink. (gotta increase the yellow over the pink, smile.)
But I was very happy with this crop, and it was in gray wet weather, too. I was so happy I wanted to share it, I am so glad you came to see.
Thanks, again,