Recent Photos & Map This not working until Caption is edited

Recent Photos and Map This features are either not working or incredibly slow this morning when uploading new photos to new galleries. Nothing has changed on my end as far as workflow goes. Is the site slow indexing this morning or something?
Finally, the one photo that Map This was working on shows up under Recent Photos, and now is deleted of course. None of the other photos have appeared yet. Thumbnail generation is working as quick as it usually does and site navigation is speedy. Here's the Recent Photos:
"Gotcha: You must enter text into the photo caption field for the pin to appear on the map."
I agree that most people would not expect the caption field to be a requirement for this. I assume smugmug needs something to put in a description field for google maps, but I don't know if that 's the actual reason. If there is a requirement imposed by google, it seems to me that defaulting to the uploaded filename would work in cases where the caption is blank.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)